Antimony ingot Market Price callback this week (October 29 to November 5)

From October 29 to November 5, 2021, the market price of antimony ingots in East China decreased. The price was 80500 yuan / ton last weekend and 79000 yuan / ton this weekend, down 1500 yuan / ton, down 1.86%.

Azodicarbonamide (AC foaming Agent)

Price changes of European Strategic small metal antimony from October 29 to November 5, 2021 (unit: USD / ton)

The market, October 29, November 5, rose and fell

European small metal antimony, 12950., 12950., 0

The commodity price K-bar chart uses the concept of K-line of price trend to reflect the weekly or monthly price changes in the form of bar chart. Investors can buy, sell and invest according to the changes of K-bar chart. Red means: rising; Green means: falling; The height of K column indicates the range of rise and fall.

As can be seen from the above figure, the antimony ingot Market has been dominated by consolidation since last week and has entered the downward channel since this week. Recently, there are frequent sources of low-cost goods in the market, and there are certain transactions in the market. The low price supply has affected the market mentality. The downstream price reduction mentality is strong. At present, it is still purchasing on demand, and the downstream purchase intention is weak. Under the herd mentality of buying up rather than buying down, some downstream who intend to purchase also began to wait and see. The overall market atmosphere is cold and trading is limited.

The price of the external market is mainly adjusted at a high level this week, and the market supply is still tight. It is expected that the wait-and-see mood in the future market is still strong, and the price of antimony ingot is still at a historical high, which may be appropriately corrected in the future.

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