Antimony ingot Market this week (12.09-12.13)

I. price trend


On December 13, the antimony commodity index was 55.16, unchanged from yesterday, down 46.09% from 102.32 (2012-10-16), the highest point in the cycle, and up 17.41% from 46.98, the lowest point on December 24, 2015. (Note: cycle refers to 2012-09-08 to now).


ammonium persulfate

II. Market analysis


Upstream and downstream: antimony oxide fell with the trend of antimony ingot on Wednesday, and the transaction was light. As of Friday, the average price of antimony trioxide was 99.5% at 34000 yuan / ton and 99.8% at 36500 yuan / ton.


Domestic market: the market price of antimony ingot is low this week, the market trading is limited, and the transaction is low. By the end of the year, most enterprises have completed the settlement, some manufacturers have suspended the shipment, the downstream purchase intention is low, and the overall market is mainly waiting. As of Friday, the average price of 2 × low bismuth antimony ingots was 37750 yuan / ton, 1 × antimony ingots was 38250 yuan / ton, 0 × antimony ingots was 39250 yuan / ton, and 2 × high bismuth antimony ingots was 35750 yuan / ton.


potassium persulphate

Nonferrous Industry: leading by the strong breakthrough of copper, the basic metals have stepped out of the low-lying area and kept rising. At the beginning of the week, the market continued the positive sentiment brought by the non-agricultural data on Friday. The announcement of the Federal Reserve’s interest rate meeting held confidence in the future economic development and long positions increased into the market. After the week, the European Central Bank’s interest rate meeting stated that the loose policy is still the same, and the Conservative Party of the British general election is set. Next year, 1 In May, the brexit is expected to be completed, the pound soared, the US dollar fell below the 97 point mark, and the base metal soared again. The market expects that the US will postpone the imposition of trade tariffs on China’s imported goods. The trade disputes between the two countries may be eased, and the US dollar continues to weaken, which has boosted the strength of the metal market.


III. future prospects


PMI data of various countries will be released next week. The market is expected to recover. The U.S. stock market has set a record high continuously. The U.S. dollar is low and volatile. The macro environment is still optimistic. All basic metals have got rid of the previous low range this week. Under the short market, there is still momentum to continue to rise. The spot is also the last time window for the closing of the last long single transaction of this year It will maintain a strong price trend, so it is easier for the two cities to show a strong trend in the basic metal period. The antimony ingot Market will mainly wait and see in the short term.

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