Consolidation and operation of BDO market in China

I. price trend


According to the sample data monitored by the business association, as of December 10, the average price of domestic BDO market was 9780 yuan / ton, rising 2.73% month on month, down 7.74% year on year.


II. Market analysis


Products: the domestic BDO market has been reorganized and operated, the spot supply is limited, the intention of the supplier to hold up the price is continued, the offer is stable, the enthusiasm of the downstream market is low, the high price resistance is obvious, and the focus of market negotiation is temporarily stable. The supply side is still supported, the long-term shipment is stable, the spot supply is slightly tight, the factory has a strong market mentality, the offer is high, and the negotiation focus is strong. Downstream more just need to purchase, bargaining sentiment. Supply is expected to increase this week, with the industry waiting cautiously.


potassium persulphate

In terms of market, the BDO market in North China has been digested and sorted out, with the support of on-site supply, firm factory offer and strong wait-and-see mentality with small downstream orders entering the market. The focus of on-site negotiation is relatively strong. The BDO market in East China is waiting to be sorted out. The on-site operating rate is low, the spot supply is limited, and the firm price intention of the factory is high. Most of the downstream companies are not signed next year, waiting for further guidance from the news face calmly. BDO market in South China runs at a high level, with smooth factory delivery and strong market mentality. The downstream purchases are on demand. The atmosphere for negotiation of large orders in the field is relatively cold, and the price of small orders is relatively firm.


Industry chain: in terms of raw materials, methanol, Shaanxi and Mongolia announced this week that the price of methanol fell about 20% compared with the same period last week. Haze weather affected local transportation in the north, with longer cycle and strong freight. Pay attention to the bidding situation of downstream enterprises such as Lubei refining Co., Ltd. Ma continues to run in shock, with most businesses waiting. In the short term, China’s methanol market is mainly consolidation.


Calcium carbide: domestic market price of calcium carbide is mainly stable. Due to the fog and haze in North China, the transportation of calcium carbide is blocked and the trucks to be unloaded are gradually consumed. The arrival of goods in Henan is limited. Tomorrow, the purchase price is expected to be increased to attract the source of goods. Up to now, the mainstream quotation in Henan is 2850-2900 yuan / ton; the mainstream quotation in Hebei is 2880-2890 yuan / ton; the mainstream quotation in Northeast is 2970-3030 yuan / ton; the mainstream quotation in Shandong is 2880-3080 yuan / ton; the mainstream quotation in Shaanxi is 2530-2560 yuan / ton; the mainstream quotation in Shanxi is 2750 yuan / ton; the mainstream quotation in Tianjin is 2900 yuan / ton.


III. future forecast


On the whole, on the positive side, the manufacturers are willing to support the market, and some of them are under maintenance. On the negative side, downstream demand is weak. BDO analysts predict that in the short term, the domestic BDO market will be in a strong operation, with specific attention to plant restart and downstream demand.

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