Multiple positive supports, China’s domestic rare earth continued to rise

Recently, the price of rare earth in China has continued to rise, but the market price of some rare earth products is still at a low level. The price trend chart of some rare earth products in China:


In recent years, the market price of heavy rare earth in China has continued to rise. As of December 6, the price of dysprosium oxide rose by 3.68% to 1.69 million yuan / ton; the price of dysprosium ferroalloy rose by 3.09% to 1.67 million yuan / ton; the market price of some light rare earth in China also rose. In December, the price of neodymium oxide rose by 5000 yuan / ton to 291500 yuan / ton; the price of praseodymium neodymium alloy rose by 4500 yuan / ton to 364500 yuan / ton; The price of praseodymium neodymium oxide rose by 5000 yuan / ton to 289500 yuan / ton. In recent years, the domestic price of heavy rare earth has continued to rise, and the market price of light rare earth has correspondingly risen. Affected by the favorable national policies, the domestic rare earth market has improved.


potassium persulphate

On December 5, the rare earth index was 340 points, up 2 points from yesterday, 66.00% lower than the highest point in the cycle, 1000 points (2011-12-06), and 25.46% higher than the lowest point, 271 point, on September 13, 2015. (Note: cycle refers to 2011-12-01 to now).


In recent years, the market price of Rare Earth continues to rise, the price of heavy rare earth in the rare earth market rises, the domestic supply policy of heavy rare earth market, the export of heavy rare earth has improved, and the domestic price of heavy rare earth rebounds and rises. In addition, the demand for permanent magnet has increased recently, the market trend of PR nd series products has stopped falling, the on-site supply is normal, the demand for light rare earth is general in the near future, and the market price remains low. The price fluctuation of rare earth market is related to the national environmental protection supervision. Rare earth production has particularity, especially some products have radiation hazards, which makes the environmental protection supervision more strict. Under the strict inspection of environmental protection, the manufacturer reasonably controls the sales, but the downstream demand has not changed much in the near future, and the price trend of most rare earths is mainly stable.


Recently, Geng Shuang, spokesman of the Ministry of foreign affairs, said that China is the world’s largest country in rare earth reserves and production, and plays an important role in the global rare earth industry chain. China has been adhering to the principle of openness, coordination and sharing, promoting the development of domestic rare earth industry, and is willing to meet the legitimate needs of the development of all countries in the world with rare earth resources and products, so as to promote China’s economy and the world Economic development plays an active role. China’s rare earth production accounts for 73% of the world’s total, ranking first in the world and playing an important role in the game between big countries. Rare earth PR nd and Dy TB are mainly used in NdFeB magnetic steel. Recently, the Ministry of industry and information technology and the Ministry of natural resources jointly issued a notice to release the total amount control indicators of rare earth mining and smelting separation and tungsten mining in 2019. The Ministry of industry and information technology of China announced that the total amount of rare earth mining and smelting separation in 2019 was 132000 tons and 127000 tons respectively, while the quota of rare earth mining in 2018 was 120000 tons, an increase of 12000 tons, and the data in 2019 It’s the highest year since 2014. In addition, the Ministry of industry and information technology, together with relevant departments, drafted the development plan of new energy vehicle industry (2021-2035). After 15 years of continuous efforts, China’s core technology of new energy vehicles will reach the international leading level. By 2025, the proportion of new energy vehicle sales will reach about 25%. Driven by national policies, the supply and demand pattern of rare earth industry is expected to further improve, and China’s domestic demand is expected to further improve The price of rare earth in the domestic market has increased.


Rare earth analysts of the business agency expect that the recent domestic environmental protection scrutiny will not be reduced. In addition, the domestic export of rare earth industry will be well supported, and the supply and demand pattern is improving in a good way. It is expected that the price of heavy rare earth in the rare earth market is still expected to continue to rise, and the light rare earth affected will also have a rebound.

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