Domestic yellow phosphorus market prices fell slightly this week (4.1-4.4)

Price Trend

According to commodity data monitoring, the price of Yungui yellow phosphorus fell slightly this week. At the beginning of the week, the average price of yellow phosphorus was 15 575 yuan/ton, and at the end of the week, it was 15 325 yuan/ton. The price fell within the week, with a range of 1.61%.

II. Market Analysis

Products: Yellow phosphorus prices fell slightly this week. At present, market transactions are dull, traders have a strong wait-and-see mood, and downstream picking up goods is more cautious. At present, the main transaction price of yellow phosphorus in Yunnan is 14700-15400 yuan/ton. The mainstream transaction price in Sichuan is about 15,500 yuan/ton. The main transaction price of yellow phosphorus in Guizhou is about 15 300 yuan per ton.

Industry chain: Most mines in the domestic phosphate ore market have resumed mining this week, with increased supply and high overall inventory. The mainstream quotation is about 450 yuan/ton. This week, coke prices were stable. The mainstream market price of Panzhihua coke (secondary metallurgical coke) was 2,080 yuan per ton. Affected by the explosion accident in Yancheng, Jiangsu Province, the safety inspection shows that the downstream enterprises of yellow phosphorus have insufficient start-up rate and light demand.

Thirdly, the analyst of yellow phosphorus in the future forecast business society chemical branch thinks that the overall demand of Yunnan-Guizhou yellow phosphorus is light, the downstream demand is on the wait-and-see state, the procurement is not active, there is no good support in the field, and the downward trend is expected in the later period.

potassium persulphate

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