China’s domestic market for cyclohexanone was temporarily stable on April 2

Price Trend

According to the monitoring data of business associations, as of April 2, the average price of domestic cyclohexanone market was 9 433 yuan/ton, and the domestic market of cyclohexanone was mainly stable for the time being.

II. Market Analysis

Products: Cyclohexanone market has been steadily adjusted, purchasing situation of downstream chemical fiber factories is still acceptable, delivery pressure of some cyclohexanone factories is reduced, the solvent market just needs to be stocked up, and the market delivery atmosphere is still acceptable. The mainstream offer of cyclohexanone in North China market is sent in cash from 9300 to 9500, the mainstream offer in East China market is sent in cash from 9500 to 9700, and the mainstream offer in South China market is sent in cash from 9900 to 10100.

potassium persulphate

Industry Chain: Pure Benzene: The market information is less, the market atmosphere is relatively light at the beginning of the month. The spot price of pure benzene in East China is 4250-4350 yuan/ton, the purchase price is 4250 yuan/ton in April, and the sale price is 4350-4400 yuan/ton. Caprolactam: Caprolactam liquid market prices rose slightly, downstream polymerization capacity is more, part of the caprolactam factory overhaul, supply support, on-site trading center of gravity rose slightly. The spot price of caprolactam liquids is delivered by acceptance of RMB 14 000-14300 per ton. On the solid side, due to the rising price of liquids, part of the solid side sells at a low price. The price refers to 14500-14700 yuan/ton, which is remitted to us now. The price of the northern part is slightly lower.

3. Future Market Forecast

Pure benzene market is temporarily stable, cost support is still stable, downstream chemical fiber overall start-up reduced, the market rose slightly, but the demand for cyclohexanone is also reduced. Cyclohexanone analysts from business associations predict that the short-term market for cyclohexanone will remain stable.

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