Recently, the price of ethyl acetate has been running weakly (8.21-8.27)

Recently (8.21-8.27), the domestic price of ethyl acetate has risen first and then fallen. According to the Commodity Market Analysis System of Shengyi Society, as of the 27th, the price of ethyl acetate was 6050.00 yuan/ton, a decrease of 0.27% compared to the price of 6066.67 yuan/ton on August 21st. The main reason for the weak operation of ethyl acetate prices is due to the decline in costs, limited support from the demand side, and bearish supply side markets.


Market analysis: Recently, the ethyl acetate market has been mainly running weakly. On the raw material side, the price of acetic acid has significantly decreased, which has had a negative impact on the cost side; On the supply side, the main factories in Shandong have a bearish attitude and their bidding prices continue to decline; The downstream side consumes inventory slowly, with low purchasing enthusiasm, and the impact of cost reduction on downstream market entry mentality, resulting in a poor market transaction atmosphere; There is a lack of favorable conditions in the market, and the price of ethyl acetate is weakly declining.


In the future, the upstream acetic acid market of ethyl acetate continues to decline, with weak cost support and insufficient upward momentum for ethyl acetate; On the supply side, the prices of major factories are declining, and the mentality of industry players is bearish; The downstream side does not have a buying and selling mentality, and the enterprise consumes more inventory, resulting in weak demand performance. It is expected that the ethyl acetate market will consolidate weakly in the later period, and specific attention will be paid to changes in the upstream market and downstream follow-up.

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