The price of caustic soda has remained stable this week (5.13-5.17)

1、 Price trend


According to the commodity analysis system of Business Society, the price of caustic soda has remained stable this week. The average market price from the beginning of the week to the weekend was around 790 yuan/ton, a decrease of 11.63% compared to the same period last year. On May 16th, the chlor alkali index was 1002 points, unchanged from yesterday, a decrease of 52.91% from the highest point in the cycle of 2128 points (2021-10-24), and an increase of 40.73% from the lowest point of 712 points on January 5th, 2016. (Note: The cycle refers to 2011-12-01 present)


2、 Market analysis


According to the Commodity Analysis System of Business Society, the overall price of domestic caustic soda has stabilized this week. The price of caustic soda in Hubei region is currently stable, with a mainstream market price of around 900-960 yuan/ton for 32% ion exchange membrane caustic soda. The price of caustic soda in Shandong region is consolidating, with a mainstream market price of around 690-810 yuan/ton for 32% ion exchange membrane caustic soda. The price of caustic soda in Jiangsu region is temporarily stable, with a mainstream market quotation of around 810-880 yuan/ton for 32% ion exchange membrane caustic soda. In the near future, downstream purchases will be made on demand, and it is expected that the operation will be mainly volatile in the later stage. This week, the overall price of caustic soda has been consolidating, with some companies experiencing fluctuations in inventory. Downstream alumina is mostly purchased on demand, with relatively lukewarm demand and relatively stable transactions.


According to the price monitoring of Business Society, in the 19th week of 2024 (5.6-5.10), there were a total of 4 products that rose, 1 product that fell, and 2 products that rose or fell to 0 on the chlor alkali industry price list. The main rising commodities include hydrochloric acid (15.38%), light soda ash (1.95%), and PVC (1.37%); The main commodities falling are calcium carbide (-2.31%). The average increase and decrease this week was 2.46%.


Analysts from Business Society believe that in the near future, the price of caustic soda has remained stable this week, with downstream alumina mainly purchasing according to demand. The comprehensive supply-demand game predicts that caustic soda may fluctuate in the later period, depending on downstream market demand.

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