Insufficient demand, acrylic acid market decline in October

According to the Commodity Market Analysis System of the Business Society, as of October 30th, the average price of acrylic acid in the East China region was 6100.00 yuan/ton, a decrease of 11.27% compared to the price on October 1st.



The acrylic acid market steadily declined in October. After the Double Festival, the market price of raw material propylene has decreased, cost support has weakened, industry capacity utilization has increased, and supply of goods is sufficient. However, downstream demand is poor, and the inquiry and procurement atmosphere is not high. Holders are offering discounts to ship, and the focus of negotiations in the acrylic acid market has weakened. In the second half of the month, the raw material propylene market has been boosted by news, resulting in increased cost pressure. The supply side’s operating load has decreased compared to the previous period, and the demand side support is weak. Holders’ shipments are under pressure, and the acrylic acid market has been sorted out through game theory. In the second half of the month, the raw material propylene price has weakened, and cost support has once again shown weakness. Some units have shut down, but the demand side follow-up is still insufficient. Downstream procurement is mostly in demand, and acrylic acid prices have fallen.


Cost side: According to the Commodity Market Analysis System of the Business Society, the reference price for propylene on October 27th was 6988.25, a decrease of 3.89% compared to October 1st (7270.75).


Acrylic acid analysts from Business Society believe that there is currently some support in the cost side, and downstream companies mainly need to follow up. There is a strong wait-and-see atmosphere in the market, and it is expected that the acrylic acid market may operate in a narrow range in the short term, and more attention needs to be paid to market news guidance.

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