Bromine prices are weak this week (5.8-5.15)

1、 Price trend


Azodicarbonamide (AC foaming Agent)

According to the Commodity Market Analysis System of the Business Society, the price of bromine is weak this week. At the beginning of the week, the average market price was 25200 yuan/ton, while on the weekend, the average market price was 25100 yuan/ton, a decrease of 0.4% and a year-on-year decrease of 55.18%. On May 14th, the bromine commodity index was 88.07, unchanged from yesterday, a decrease of 64.08% from the cycle’s highest point of 245.18 points (2021-10-27), and an increase of 49.47% from the lowest point of 58.92 points on October 29, 2014. (Note: The cycle refers to the period from September 1st, 2011 to the present)


2、 Market analysis


Bromine prices have been weak this week. The mainstream market price in Shandong is around 24500-25500 yuan/ton. Bromine supply exceeds demand, and seawater bromine production still shows an increasing trend. Downstream support is average, and the flame retardant and intermediate industries are still mainly purchasing according to demand in the near future, and there is a phenomenon of price pressure. Bromine enterprises have stable production, average shipments, and relatively average mentality among operators.


povidone Iodine

In terms of raw materials, the domestic sulfur price has increased this week, with an average market price of 750 yuan/ton at the beginning of the week and 763.33 yuan/ton at the weekend. The price has increased by 1.78%, a year-on-year decrease of 80.19%. The manufacturer has no inventory pressure, mainly focuses on shipping, and downstream follows up on demand. The enthusiasm for purchasing in the market is average, and the short-term sulfur market is on the sidelines for consolidation.


It is predicted that the price of bromine will be weak in the near future. Although the upstream sulfur price has risen, the demand for downstream flame retardants and intermediates in the bromine industry is generally following up. The supply of bromine is sufficient in the near future, and the overall wait-and-see mentality is mainly focused. It is expected that the short-term bromine price will be weak and the consolidation operation situation will depend on the downstream market demand.

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