The domestic titanium dioxide market is basically stable this week (5.5-5.12)

1、 Price trend



Taking the sulfuric acid rutile titanium dioxide with a large volume of goods in the domestic market as an example, according to the monitoring data of the business community, the market price of titanium dioxide is basically stable this week. The average price of domestic titanium dioxide is 16950 yuan/ton.


2、 Market analysis


The domestic titanium dioxide market is basically stable this week. Overall, the performance of the international market is decent, while the trading situation in the domestic market is relatively light. At present, the demand in the domestic market is not good, and actual transactions are cautious. Downstream customers are more wait-and-see and purchase according to demand. At present, there is significant cost pressure on enterprises, with price stability being the main focus. Up to now, most domestic rutile titanium dioxide quotations are between 16000-17500 yuan/ton; The quotation of anatase titanium dioxide is about 14500-15000 yuan/ton.



In terms of titanium concentrate, the price of titanium concentrate in Panxi region has been lowered this week. At present, the transaction situation in the titanium concentrate market is average, and there is significant pressure to sell goods. Downstream titanium dioxide enterprises are under cost pressure, and their procurement inquiries are increasing. They are mainly wait-and-see, but actual transactions are relatively cautious. As of now, the tax-free quotation for grade 38 42 titanium concentrate is around 1520-1500 yuan/ton, the tax-free quotation for grade 46 10 titanium concentrate is around 2230-2280 yuan/ton, and the quotation for grade 47 20 titanium concentrate is around 2300-2350 yuan/ton. In the short term, the market price of titanium concentrate is weak and stable, and the actual transaction price is discussed separately.


In terms of sulfuric acid, the price of domestic sulfuric acid market dropped sharply this week. The price of sulfuric acid has decreased from 215 yuan/ton last Friday to 196 yuan/ton this Friday, with a decrease of 8.84%. The upstream sulfur market has recently experienced a slight decline, with average cost support. The downstream market of hydrofluoric acid and titanium dioxide declined slightly, and downstream customers’ purchasing enthusiasm for sulfuric acid weakened.


3、 Future Market Forecast


Analysts from titanium dioxide business agency believe that: the price of sulfuric acid market is down, the price of titanium concentrate in Panxi area is down, and the cost support of titanium dioxide is weak. In addition, the downstream demand for titanium dioxide is light at present, and the domestic titanium dioxide market is in poor trading and investment, with weak supply and demand. It is expected that the trend of titanium dioxide will be weak in the short term, and the actual transaction price will be discussed separately.

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