The market situation of n-butanol fell from a high point this week (5.7-5.10)

According to monitoring data from the Business Society, as of May 10, 2023, the reference price of n-butanol in the Shandong region of China was 8000 yuan/ton. Compared with May 7 (reference price of n-butanol was 8333 yuan/ton), the price was reduced by 333 yuan/ton, a decrease of 4%.


Benzalkonium chloride

From the data monitoring chart of the Business Society, it can be seen that this week (5.7 to 5.10), the domestic butanol market in Shandong Province started a high decline trend, and the overall focus of the butanol market continued to decline. The n-butanol equipment that was partially shut down for maintenance in the early stage resumed operation this week, and Shandong large factories resumed pricing. The tight supply of n-butanol in the field was alleviated, and the support provided by the supply side to the market was relatively weak. Some n-butanol factories and suppliers, in order to actively ship, have successively lowered the price of n-butanol, with a reduction range of around 200 to 400 yuan/ton. As of May 10, the market price of n-butanol in Shandong Province is around 7900-8100 yuan/ton.


Aftermarket analysis of n-butanol


At present, the trading atmosphere of n-butanol on the market is average. It is expected that in the short term, the domestic Shandong n-butanol market will mainly adjust and operate in a narrow range. The specific trend still needs to pay more attention to specific news changes on the supply and demand side.

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