In December, the domestic MIBK market sharply higher

October domestic MIBK price rose, as of the end of the domestic price of 11220 yuan / ton, compared with the first month price 14850 yuan / ton, up 32.35% this month, the current prices for the same period last year rose 122.89%.

Two, market analysis

ammonium persulfate

Products: December domestic MIBK market sharply higher. Raw materials, acetone market strong operation, a record high this year, cost effective support. The supply side, Ningbo Zhen Yang device operation is not stable, mid parking catalyst replacement, and the sources of imports to the small spot market supply. In the double support cost and supply, the factory continuously ex factory price, trade daily dish with the rise, the market focus constantly on the move. Near the end of the month, the raw material of acetone market consolidation operation, market supply is slightly better, the domestic MIBK market tends to be stable. As of the end of the month, East China offer in 14800-15000 yuan / ton.

potassium persulphate

The industrial chain: December domestic acetone overall market sharply higher, the first half of the market continue to rise, and hit a new high this year, the second half of the high office. At the beginning of the month of benzene with propylene raw materials prices rose sharply, due to cost pressures, acetone plant half successive raised ex factory price of 900 yuan / ton. In addition, the port inventory is not high, and the stock concentration, industry mentality is good, shippers offer continued high. The second half, due to the large range of haze weather and environmental restrictions, terminal factories were forced to stop or decline in demand. In addition, some profit shipments positive, the market shock consolidation. East China acetone to discuss the market price in the 7100-7200 yuan / ton.

Three, market forecast

sodium persulfate

Raw materials, acetone market is expected to consolidation operation. Device, Ningbo Zhen Yang device has returned to normal, adequate market supply. The demand side, coincides with the Spring Festival next month, the downstream demand is difficult to increase. The MIBK market is expected next month in a narrow range consolidation.

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