Cost support propylene market price to stop falling and rising (3.21-3.25)

1、 Price trend



According to the data monitoring of business agency, the domestic propylene (Shandong) market price stopped falling and rose this week. The market price was 8259 yuan / ton at the beginning of the week and 8408 yuan / ton at the weekend, an increase of 1.81%.


2、 Analysis and comment


According to the price chart of business agency, the price of propylene (Shandong) stopped falling and rebounded this week. As of Friday, the mainstream price of propylene in Shandong was 8300-8500 yuan / ton, and the focus of market transaction shifted upward. Crude oil prices surged this week, and propylene prices rose under the support of cost. At the same time, affected by the epidemic, some enterprises were underemployed and market supply tightened. The downstream demand has improved slightly and purchases on demand.


Upstream: upstream raw materials are mainly rising, the cost support is acceptable, and the price of naphtha decreases slightly, with limited impact on propylene.



Downstream: downstream products rose and fell. The main downstream polypropylene market improved slightly, but the rising power was insufficient. The overall downstream market improved compared with last week, and the support for propylene gradually improved.


3、 Future forecast


Propylene analysts from the chemical branch of business agency believe that the cost of raw materials is still high, and the demand side is gradually improving. It is expected that the focus of propylene transaction will move upward in the near future.

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