“Environmental protection planning” in 13th Five-Year to make specific provisions for VOCs

before the State Council issued the “13th Five-Year” environmental protection plan “(hereinafter referred to as the” plan “). “Planning” is to implement the overall advancement of the “five in one” overall layout and coordination to promote the “four major initiatives comprehensive strategic layout, is to” innovation, harmony, green, open and sharing “strategic arrangement of five development ideas to guide the ecological environmental protection, is the effective way to realize the reform of ecological civilization, the field filled well-off environment short board. Planning made specific provisions for VOCs.

The main points are as follows:

ammonium persulfate

Total volatile organic compound control to promote the key areas, key industries, the total emissions decreased by more than 10%.

Improvement of VOC emission standards, strict implementation of emission standards.

potassium persulphate

The Yangtze River Delta region significantly reduced the concentrations of fine particulate matter. Accelerate the adjustment of industrial structure, to eliminate the energy consumption and environmental protection standards of production capacity etc.. Comprehensively promote the comprehensive improvement of volatile organic compounds in oil refining, petrochemical, industrial coating, printing and other industries.

Vigorously promote the Pearl River Delta region to take the lead in realizing the basic standards of atmospheric environmental quality. Focus on volatile organic compounds and nitrogen oxides control. Focus on promoting the petrochemical, chemical, oil storage and transportation sales, automobile manufacturing, shipbuilding (maintenance), comprehensive treatment of volatile organic compounds in container manufacturing, printing, furniture manufacturing, footwear and other industries.

sodium persulfate

Control of key areas of key industry emissions of volatile organic compounds. To strengthen the control of volatile organic compounds in key industries of petrochemical, organic chemicals, coating, packaging and printing etc.. Fine particulate matter and ozone pollution provinces industry total control of volatile organic pollutants, making volatile organic pollutant total control target and implementation plan. Strengthen cooperation to reduce emissions of volatile organic compounds and nitrogen oxides, a fixed source and mobile source and area source emission inventory, the implementation of key emission reduction of volatile aromatic hydrocarbons, alkenes, alkynes, aldehydes, ketones and other organic matter. Development of the petrochemical industry leak detection and repair special action to carry out governance for fugitive emissions. Around the time to clear, complete the gas station, oil storage, oil tanker oil and gas recovery, oil and gas recovery rate increased to more than 90%, and accelerate the crude oil terminal oil and gas recovery.


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