The market price of titanium dioxide increased this week (3.4-3.11)

1、 Price trend


According to commodity data monitoring, the price of titanium dioxide increased this week. The average price of titanium dioxide in China was 20800 yuan / ton last Friday and 21100 yuan / ton this Friday. The price increased slightly within the week, with a range of 1.44%.


Sodium selenite

2、 Market analysis

The domestic titanium dioxide market price rose this week. Since the international titanium dioxide enterprises fannengtuo and Connors sent a letter to raise the price of titanium dioxide on April 1, the price increase letter of domestic titanium dioxide enterprises was welcomed in the second week of March. Up to now, the ex factory quotation of domestic rutile titanium dioxide with tax is 20200-22000 yuan / ton; The ex factory quotation of anatase titanium dioxide including tax is between 18000-19500 yuan / ton.


In terms of titanium concentrate, the price of titanium concentrate in Panxi increased slightly this week. The supply of titanium ore market is tight and the market starts at a low level. The inventory of small and medium-sized manufacturers is low, manufacturers send more early orders, and the reluctance to sell is obvious. Up to now, the tax free quotation of 38 grade titanium ore is about 1550 yuan / ton, that of 46 grade 10 titanium ore is about 2420-2450 yuan / ton, and that of 47 grade 20 ore is about 2550 yuan / ton. In the short term, the price of Panxi titanium concentrate will continue to be high and firm, and the actual transaction price will be negotiated.


Stannous Sulphate

In terms of sulfuric acid, the domestic sulfuric acid market rose this week, according to the bulk list data of business society. The average price of domestic sulfuric acid was 800 yuan / ton last Friday and 831.67 yuan / ton this Friday. The price increased by 3.96% during the week. The upstream sulfur market has risen sharply recently, and the cost support is good. Some sulfuric acid manufacturers have insufficient operation, the load is reduced, the downstream formic acid market has increased slightly, the bromine market price has been adjusted at a low level, and the downstream procurement enthusiasm is general.


3、 Future forecast


Titanium dioxide analysts of business society believe that: at present, the international titanium dioxide market is good, which is good for the domestic market. On the whole, the raw material titanium concentrate increased slightly, the price of sulfuric acid increased, and the cost support was strong. It is expected that the price focus of titanium dioxide will be upward in the short term, and the actual transaction price will be mainly discussed.

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