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Since this year, with the domestic supply side reform, the coal industry to production significantly

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Since this year, with the domestic supply side reform, the coal industry to production significantly, domestic coal prices have risen significantly. The domestic price of acetic acid will get the cost of raw materials, the recent rapid rise in prices. In addition, North America, Middle East acetic acid production company mainly through natural gas methanol acetic acid processed, since this year, overseas natural gas prices have been significantly boosted overseas methanol prices.

Was informed that in 2015 China’s total acetate production capacity of 9 million 920 thousand tons, output 5 million 870 thousand tons, apparent consumption of 5 million 530 thousand tons, the industry operating rate of 59.2%, domestic acetic acid industry supply exceeds demand. From 2006 to 2015, the domestic acetic acid production average annual growth rate of 17%, the average annual growth rate of consumption of table 11%, industry development is rapidder, the domestic self-sufficiency rate of acetic acid increased from 68% to 106%. At present, the rapid growth of domestic acetic acid industry has crossed the stage, is expected in the next few years, demand growth will slow down to a single digit level.

Production process of domestic acetic acid mainly by the carbonylation of methanol, the domestic production accounted for 95% of total capacity of acetic acid. The domestic methanol production with coal as the main raw materials, the domestic coal price fluctuations will affect the price of methanol and transfer to the domestic price of acetic acid.

Acetate prices rose Yip chemical group lying to make money

in recent years the mainland entity is difficult to do, but the real enterprise once entered cyclical industry inflection point, it can not be said to you does not want to get rich.

The oil price is an example, when the price of crude oil was down to about $30, “Hula death a” crude oil processing plants and oil enterprises.

ammonium persulfate

Now New York crude oil prices firm $50 mark, and the uniform resource companies a lot of life. Some oil stocks clothing company, the stock price from the bottom counter 50% is simple only need a few days, of course, the price is also easily doubled. It is not the trend of turning point, we still have to dig from the perspective of industry.

The soaring price of acetic acid turnround

According to statistics, Phillips McDougall company in 2014, global herbicide market sales of $26 billion 440 million

According to statistics, Phillips McDougall company in 2014, global herbicide market sales of $26 billion 440 million, accounting for the total market in 2014 the rapid growth of 41.8%.2009 pesticide herbicide product types include: other PPO inhibitors (+24.9%, compound annual growth rate, the same below), other ALS inhibitors (+13.8%) and HPPD inhibitor (+12.4%), amino acid herbicides including glyphosate and glufosinate, the slow growth market (+2.0%).

sodium persulfate

In 2009 – 2014 years, global sales of herbicide compound annual growth rate of 4.1%, showing steady growth.

Some factors affecting the global market in the future of the herbicide:

First, resistance

The future development of the herbicide market much concern

daily is the largest herbicide pesticide product types, whether in domestic or global, accounting for the total pesticide Herbicide Market 40%, far ahead of insecticides and fungicides, so much concern to the industry.

Herbicides, including glyphosate, paraquat and glufosinate herbicide, the weight of the larger, become an important driving force for global market fluctuations about herbicide. In recent years, affected by herbicide management policy and market changes greatly.

potassium persulphate

Especially paraquat, domestic will be classified as toxic and banned; voices can be heard without end in the carcinogenicity of glyphosate, the EU’s registration overshadowed; although become popular varieties instead of glufosinate paraquat, but two years ago in the EU was also limited. Similarly, selective herbicides have many problems, such as drug control problem, the problem of weed.

The steady growth of the global market of herbicides

With help to accelerate the development of enterprises between enterprises

With help to accelerate the development of enterprises between enterprises, such as as soon as possible in order to expand the market share and production management; diversification; control of raw materials and resources, in order to gain greater market power; achieve economies of scale, mass production; and good financial revenue, this motivation and government policies and the financial enterprise policy etc..

ammonium persulfate

In the current situation of our country, from the perspective of the reform of state-owned enterprises, Sinochem Group and Chinese chemical industry restructuring is also possible. From the business point of view, in the group involved in the most extensive areas, such as energy, agriculture, chemical industry, real estate, financial services, China chemical in chemicals production, currently has formed 6 major business segments of new chemical materials, special chemicals, basic chemicals etc..

The future of the two companies, “combination” or “separation” will be the “domino” event, are big events that can not be ignored on the national economy, which is related to people’s livelihood we, netizens skeptical is worried about the embodiment and patriotism, the future development, I believe nation will stand in the interests of the people to seek satisfactory answer.

In recent years, China’s imports of butyl acetate is far worse than 2005-2007

In recent years, China’s imports of butyl acetate is far worse than 2005-2007, while the export levels continue to improve, fully prove that China’s exports more than imports of butyl acetate, butyl acetate is the main reason for the cost of China’s obvious advantages. From the two raw materials, first of all, the overall surplus of domestic acetic acid industry, price advantage in the international price. Secondly, the domestic new capacity of n-butanol gradually, butyl acetate selective manufacturers corresponding to expand, reduce the probability of price fluctuations, compared with foreign butanol, the price advantage is obvious. In addition, the foreign processing cost is higher than the domestic level, in addition, the downstream market demand is increasing, China’s exports are expected in the future will be more high butyl acetate.

sodium persulfate

To sum up, the market price of acetic acid from the beginning of the lowest price jumped to the highest price now, led to the development of the whole industry chain, launched the national policy is effective. The market of butyl acetate in silver acetate and ten, prices of raw materials, is expected to rebound in the market is expected to butyl acetate.

Rising raw materials market rebound is expected to support butyl acetate

20 October 9th, the domestic market of acetic acid acetic acid factory in East China generally go up, the price range at 2130 yuan / ton -2500 yuan / ton, Southern China acetate ex factory price in the range of 2400 yuan / ton -2650 yuan / ton. At present, the domestic coal giants Hualu-Hengsheng acetate surrounding to the price of 2550 yuan / ton, the inventory is not more than 19 days, take the goods, offer 2300 yuan / ton, nearly two acetic acid spread in 250 yuan / ton.

In 2015 China’s total acetate production capacity of 9 million 920 thousand tons, output 5 million 870 thousand tons, the industry operating rate of 59.2%, domestic acetic acid industry oversupply. From 2015 to 2006, yield an average annual growth rate of 17%, the rapid development of acetic acid industry, the domestic self-sufficiency rate of acetic acid increased from 68% to 106%. At present, the domestic acetic acid industry has gone through a period of rapid growth, is expected in the next few years, demand will slow down. The first half of this year, the total production capacity of acetic acid industry did not change much.

potassium persulphate

The main raw materials of domestic methanol production of coal, the coal price fluctuation will affect the price of methanol and then transfer to the price of acetic acid. In addition to the future energy prices will rise slowly, is expected to bring the cost of raw materials for acetic acid, promote the sustained high prices.

Urea market stabilize the operation of the main local strong run

in October 20th, domestic urea prices showed stable trend, local manufacturers rose slightly. Shandong area urea market temporarily stabilized, the new single turnover slowed down significantly, the majority still for pre orders; at the time of small particles, large particles 1240-1300 yuan / ton to 1300 yuan / ton, businesses cautious on the city; Linyi market wholesale price of 1300-1320 yuan / ton 1280-1300 yuan / ton, Heze. Henan, the main supply to individual manufacturers, compensatory growth of 20 yuan, is now the mainstream factory price 1260-1280 yuan / ton, the majority of transactions can negotiate market trading in Zhengzhou, Shangqiu; tepid. Hebei urea 1210-1230 yuan / ton, a small amount for export, for the rest of the surrounding. Jiangsu Arabica 1300-1380 yuan / ton, large particles of a single, stable export set in Hong Kong shipping, Xuzhou, Pizhou 1250-1270 yuan / ton, Yancheng 1340 yuan / ton. Hunan and Hubei unitoperahon is not high, the basic balance between production and sales of manufacturers, the factory price 1300-1350 yuan / ton, concessions, Hunan province the source station more than 1330-1400 yuan / ton, the turnover of more 1320-1400 yuan / ton outbound goods.

ammonium persulfate

The domestic demand of agricultural urea basically ended, with the end of industrial demand preparation fertilizer decreased, urea utilization rate began to fall, the cost price has been rising again, with the coal price. The international market, India bidding to absorb some of the stocks, parts of bidding and make active trading. In the short term is expected to be dominated by urea market stability, local strong run.

The fundamentals of the oil market is expected to further improve the xylene prices rise

in October 20th, 20, xylene price rise, currently solvent xylene to discuss the market reference price in 4700-5600 yuan / ton, heterogeneous xylene reference 4950-5500 yuan / ton. Xylene solvent market offer 4700 yuan / ton (Zhangjiagang tank), domestic heterogeneous xylene market offer in 4700-4750 yuan / ton (tank). The central branch of Sinopec Changling refinery, xylene: Wuhan petrochemical, China Petrochemical 4700 yuan / ton. Sinopec Southern China Guangzhou Petrochemical Company solvent xylene: the implementation of 6000 yuan / ton, Maoming petrochemical price 5750 yuan / ton; heterogeneous xylene: Guangzhou petrochemical, Zhanjiang Dongxing are the implementation of 5900 yuan / ton. North China sales company Sinopec Qingdao refinery, Tianjin: xylene ethylene and Shijiazhuang refinery implementation of 4700 yuan / ton. Sinopec East China sales company xylene: Yangzi BASF, Zhenhai Refinery quote out 5900 yuan / ton. Liaoning huajintongda chemical Limited by Share Ltd xylene quotation implementation of 5960 yuan / ton, prices.

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The Saudi energy minister Falich said Wednesday, OPEC and non OPEC will act together now to November will determine the specific production quantity, while the short-term OPEC on the oil market intervention is reasonable. Non OPEC countries have great effect on market stability; many non OPEC countries are willing to carry out the production, health improvement and collaborative action can bring the oil market balance; obviously the oil market is recovering, although the rebalancing of the oil market slower than expected; but the oil market fundamentals will be further improved, is expected to next year the oil market will continue to improve. The fundamentals of supply and demand will continue to improve, and the future risk of supply shortage, in view of the growth of petroleum demand health; Chinese demand for crude oil is on the rise, not fall, the price is expected to rise as a result of xylene.

The price of crude oil rose xylene price ups and consolidation

solvent xylene to discuss the market recently reference price in 4800-5950 yuan / ton, heterogeneous xylene reference 4950-5900 yuan / ton. Xylene solvent market offer 5650 yuan / ton (Zhangjiagang tank), domestic heterogeneous xylene market offer in 4700-5900 yuan / ton (tank). The central branch of Sinopec Changling refinery, xylene: Wuhan petrochemical, China Petrochemical 4700 yuan / ton. Sinopec Southern China Guangzhou Petrochemical Company solvent xylene: the implementation of 6000 yuan / ton, Maoming petrochemical price 5750 yuan / ton; heterogeneous xylene: Guangzhou petrochemical, Zhanjiang Dongxing are the implementation of 5900 yuan / ton. North China sales company Sinopec Qingdao refinery, Tianjin: xylene ethylene and Shijiazhuang refinery implementation of 4700 yuan / ton. Sinopec East China sales company xylene: Yangzi BASF, Zhenhai Refinery quote out 5650 yuan / ton.

potassium persulphate

18 oil prices, due to the organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) production is expected to boost oil prices, although the market is expected to last week, U.S. crude oil inventories increased for second consecutive weeks. API announced in the oil city after the close, as of October 14th this week, U.S. crude oil inventories fell 3 million 800 thousand barrels to 467 million 100 thousand barrels, analysts expected to increase 2 million 700 thousand barrels. The message driven by oil prices rose to expand sharply in after hours trading. As of October 7th week, the U.S. crude oil inventories increased by 4 million 900 thousand barrels. The U.S. Energy Information Association (EIA) on Wednesday (19 days) released last week, U.S. crude oil inventory data. Brent crude rose $0.16, or 0.3%, to $51.68 a barrel. U.S. crude oil rose $0.35, or 0.7%, to $50.29 a barrel. Since OPEC proposed in September 27th eight years of the first cut or frozen property proposed to alleviate the global problem of excess supply, oil prices have risen by about 13%. The organization will hold a policy meeting in November 30th.

Recently by the organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) limiting the impact of rising oil prices, the global oil supply surplus, is expected to price ups and xylene consolidation, upward pressure.