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Fog and haze governance and the petrochemical industry VOCs

Is a combination of haze, fog and haze. The haze is common in the city. In many areas will be incorporated into the China fog haze as disastrous weather forecast, referred to as “haze weather”.

The haze is the specific climatic conditions and human activity is the result of the interaction. The economic and social activities of high population density will emit a large amount of fine particulate matter (PM2.5), once the emissions exceed the capacity of the atmosphere circulation and carrying capacity, the concentration of fine particles will continue to accumulate, if by static stability weather effects, prone to a wide range of haze.

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In 2013, the haze has become keywords. In January of this year, 4 times over the haze process in 30 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities), in Beijing, only 5 days instead of haze days. The report shows, the 500 largest city Chinese, less than 1% of the city to achieve air quality standards, recommended by the WHO at the same time, 7 Chinese in 10 the world’s most polluted city.

In January 4, 2014, the national disaster reduction office, the Ministry of civil affairs for the first time the health hazards of fog and haze included 2013 natural disaster briefing.

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In December 2016, Chinese winter to the most persistent haze weather is coming, Beijing city has reached a number of serious pollution, the haze invasion including Beijing and Tianjin, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Henan and other 11 provinces, regions, the current large-scale haze is still ongoing, for Beijing, most of the time in 2016, as long as there is no the wind, fog and haze has become the norm.

What is VOCs

In December, the domestic MIBK market sharply higher

October domestic MIBK price rose, as of the end of the domestic price of 11220 yuan / ton, compared with the first month price 14850 yuan / ton, up 32.35% this month, the current prices for the same period last year rose 122.89%.

Two, market analysis

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Products: December domestic MIBK market sharply higher. Raw materials, acetone market strong operation, a record high this year, cost effective support. The supply side, Ningbo Zhen Yang device operation is not stable, mid parking catalyst replacement, and the sources of imports to the small spot market supply. In the double support cost and supply, the factory continuously ex factory price, trade daily dish with the rise, the market focus constantly on the move. Near the end of the month, the raw material of acetone market consolidation operation, market supply is slightly better, the domestic MIBK market tends to be stable. As of the end of the month, East China offer in 14800-15000 yuan / ton.

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The industrial chain: December domestic acetone overall market sharply higher, the first half of the market continue to rise, and hit a new high this year, the second half of the high office. At the beginning of the month of benzene with propylene raw materials prices rose sharply, due to cost pressures, acetone plant half successive raised ex factory price of 900 yuan / ton. In addition, the port inventory is not high, and the stock concentration, industry mentality is good, shippers offer continued high. The second half, due to the large range of haze weather and environmental restrictions, terminal factories were forced to stop or decline in demand. In addition, some profit shipments positive, the market shock consolidation. East China acetone to discuss the market price in the 7100-7200 yuan / ton.

Three, market forecast

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Raw materials, acetone market is expected to consolidation operation. Device, Ningbo Zhen Yang device has returned to normal, adequate market supply. The demand side, coincides with the Spring Festival next month, the downstream demand is difficult to increase. The MIBK market is expected next month in a narrow range consolidation.

At present, lithium carbonate price volatility is not the previous spot in a tight state

chemical is lithium carbonate price more early small fluctuations, the current market is still in a tight spot, the country make before the release of downstream customers get positive.

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In December 23rd the domestic lithium carbonate offer temporary stability, industrial grade average price of 121300 yuan / ton, compared with the previous price unchanged; battery grade price 131000 yuan / ton, compared with the previous price unchanged. The market of industrial grade lithium carbonate mainstream price at 115000-120000 yuan / ton. Battery grade lithium carbonate market mainstream price at 127000-130000 yuan / ton; industrial grade lithium hydroxide currently offer 15.5-16 yuan / ton.

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In December 23rd, the ABA Li Sheng Industry Company the latest offer, industrial grade lithium hydroxide offer 155 thousand yuan / ton, battery grade lithium hydroxide offer 160 thousand yuan / ton. Sichuan Xing Sheng lithium lithium carbonate device material limited company normal operation of industrial grade lithium hydroxide, offer 155 thousand yuan / ton, battery grade lithium hydroxide offer 160 thousand yuan / ton, supply mainly supply old customers go single, firm turnover can negotiate. Sichuan state lithium Materials Co., the latest offer, industrial grade lithium hydroxide is 155 thousand yuan / ton, battery grade lithium hydroxide offer 160 thousand yuan / ton.

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In winter, Qinghai area brine lithium carbonate production decreased, blue end the last batch of goods will enter the winter break, some manufacturers orders have been signed to the end of the year. Is expected in the short term the lithium carbonate Market narrow finishing the main terminal, continue to focus on new energy policy.

Most of the recent enterprise market upward price increase at the discretion of potassium nitrate

recently potassium nitrate Market upward, the majority of enterprises to the market price increase, the price range in 100-200 yuan / ton, some enterprises by the impact of raw materials has not yet started production, the overall stock market still, enterprises can go smoothly, turnover atmosphere. In December 17th, the domestic industrial grade potassium nitrate mainstream price range in 4200-4500 yuan / ton; the main agricultural grade potassium nitrate price range at 4000-4200 yuan / ton, the real single can be consulted (due to the manufacturers of their own considerations, the above price deviation is permitted).

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In December 16th, one of the leading enterprises in the domestic potash – Wen Tong Group, Shanxi light potassium carbonate factory price 5600-5650 yuan / ton; Shanxi producing powdered potassium nitrate (17%) containing tax ex factory price of 4150 yuan / ton; Qinghai heavy potassium carbonate factory price 4850 yuan / ton, price hike (due to different destination and procurement and other factors, the above price is for reference only, subject to manufacturers final pricing). Shanxi Jiaocheng Star Chemical Co. Ltd. industrial potassium nitrate factory tax price of 4100 yuan / ton, agricultural grade potassium nitrate offer 3900 yuan / ton, according to the actual situation of purchase price or will be different, for reference only, the final pricing for manufacturers. Wenshui Zhenfeng agricultural limited industrial grade potassium nitrate factory tax price of 4500 yuan / ton, agricultural grade potassium nitrate factory price 4400 yuan / ton, light industrial grade potassium carbonate factory tax price of 5800 yuan / ton, the manufacturers take the goods smoothly, less inventory, the normal production of the device, a single detail (above the price for reference only, the final price of manufacturers to date).

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As the raw materials of potassium chloride is trapped in the origin can be collected, due to tight supply, increasing the cost of supporting potassium nitrate. “Winter” downstream fertilizer market to boost profits can not be guaranteed. The overall fertilizer market by transportation policy affect the cost of increasing support. Recently, the domestic mainstream light potassium carbonate factory price in 5600-5800 yuan / ton.

China intends to change the salt exclusive sales price “mode of market regulation

ministry 9 to the public for “salt monopoly approach (Revised Draft)” and “salt management regulations (Revised Draft)” opinion.

The biggest highlight is: salt production enterprises can enter the market to sell salt, salt price market regulation.

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In April this year, the State Council issued the “plan” the reform of the salt industry, the improvement of the salt monopoly system, the reform of salt production and wholesale regional restrictions, government pricing mechanism reform of salt and industrial salt transportation and sales management, accelerate the construction of credit system, strengthen the scientific iodine reform task. In May, the ministry launched a “salt monopoly approach” and “salt management regulations” revision.

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Experts pointed out that one of the highlights of this revision is to cancel the production of salt wholesale regional restrictions, clear salt production enterprises can apply for the salt wholesale license. Province (area, city) salt wholesale enterprises can provincial management. Delete the specified retail units can only buy salt salt from local salt wholesale enterprises.

“In the past, the fixed-point production enterprise sold salt wholesale enterprises, from wholesale enterprises for sale, but there are some regional restrictions. Production enterprises can not directly enter the market.” China salt industry association secretary general Song Zhanjing said, the revision, the biggest bright spot is the break between the wholesale enterprises and fixed-point production enterprise barriers. Let the production docking market, to meet consumer demand, but also reflects the supply side to promote structural reform.

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In addition, the market adjusted price is also one of the highlights of the implementation of the revised. “The salt monopoly approach (Revised Draft)” proposed, the salt price regulated by the market, by enterprises according to production costs, quality of salt, market supply and demand factors such as self determined.

8 companies not only on the market situation of ethylene glycol, the current situation is not worried about the future

8 companies not only on the market situation of ethylene glycol, the current situation is not worried about the future.
Ethylene glycol analyst Wang Ping said, in 2015 China’s ethylene glycol production of 420 thousand tons of 3 million 916 thousand tons of raw materials used for coal, this figure will continue to expand in the future. 2015 domestic coal production of ethylene glycol capacity of about 1 million 670 thousand tons / year, this year and next year there will be 3 million 450 thousand tons / year capacity release.” Compared with the use of petroleum and natural gas as raw materials, ethylene glycol is more complex than that of coal, and there is no way to detect some impurities at present.

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“These impurities tend to affect the color of polyester, color fastness, etc., in short, is the impact of product quality.” Zhou Jun pointed out that this to the downstream polyester plant in the use of the process has brought a lot of uncertainty, and thus temporarily not fully accepted.
In order to reduce production costs, the polyester plant will usually only buy 10%-20% of coal ethylene glycol, mixed with oil, natural gas, ethylene glycol, there is not a complete use of coal to ethylene glycol. 8 companies worry that future glycol futures listing, if the product is doped in the delivery process of the two processes of the seller together, and through technical means to adjust the index, so as to make the products reach the exchange delivery standards involved in delivery, will bring serious influence on the downstream polyester plant production. Bottle grade PET chip as an example, if the product quality is not qualified, beverage companies will be traced back, and ultimately will damage the credibility of the futures market.

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8 companies believe that this fear is not unfounded.
They said that due to the use of coal to ethylene glycol has certain limitations, so the market price is often lower than the oil, natural gas, ethylene glycol 100-200 yuan / ton.
Since it is profitable, the supplier will have enough power to mix the coal with the petroleum and natural gas.
In view of this, they urge the Commission to suspend the listing process of ethylene glycol, market stocks to be repaired or the further release of domestic production capacity, and then do research.
“China Times” reporter noted that the 8 companies signed the time in November 14th, it has been over the past half a month, the matter has no new progress?

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In response, there is no news in this regard, “but no matter whether can have the effect, as the downstream enterprises, we should sound”.
China Chemical Fiber Industry Association Information Center Director Li replies, the association has been informed of 8 companies signed a letter that, “due to the limitation of function, the matter is mainly by the enterprise itself”.

The latest data service platform system of national science and Technology Ministry of science and technology

The latest data service platform system of national science and Technology Ministry of science and technology, as of now, 2016 has been declared the focus of R & D plan approval, set up a total of 42 projects, 1172 projects related to social development, high technology, agriculture and forestry science and technology, basic research and infrastructure and other five areas. In the 1172 projects, 70 projects have not yet released the funding amount, the remaining 1102 published by the amount of total project, the central government funded a total funding of more than 27 billion 820 million yuan, the average individual funds 25 million 250 thousand yuan.

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Specifically, the field of social development from the special number, the project number, or from the project organization and approved the amount of funding is the most, respectively 14, 558, 212 and 10 billion 320 million yuan. While the individual funds had the highest value in the field of new and high technology China vehicle speed of 600 km high-speed maglev project. Five in the field of agriculture and forestry science and technology field, funded projects increased significantly, the average value was significantly higher than that of the other four areas and median values.

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The development of science and Technology Research Institute of China Agricultural University Li Hongjun said that from the 2016 annual national key research program funded projects, the state pays special attention to scientific research in the people’s livelihood and health, 47% projects and 37% of the funds into the field of social development. The high-tech field has accumulated a lot of sophisticated technology, single investment, need to focus on the advantages of power key investment projects such as six advanced rail transportation total funds 1 billion 226 million yuan, the average project 200 million yuan; the average expenses of new energy vehicles is more than 50 million yuan, more efforts to support the new energy automotive industry in the country. The future, including the intelligent manufacturing, grain yield, quality and efficiency of bio pharmaceutical research and development and other fields, in the central financial support will be rapid development.

“Environmental protection planning” in 13th Five-Year to make specific provisions for VOCs

before the State Council issued the “13th Five-Year” environmental protection plan “(hereinafter referred to as the” plan “). “Planning” is to implement the overall advancement of the “five in one” overall layout and coordination to promote the “four major initiatives comprehensive strategic layout, is to” innovation, harmony, green, open and sharing “strategic arrangement of five development ideas to guide the ecological environmental protection, is the effective way to realize the reform of ecological civilization, the field filled well-off environment short board. Planning made specific provisions for VOCs.

The main points are as follows:

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Total volatile organic compound control to promote the key areas, key industries, the total emissions decreased by more than 10%.

Improvement of VOC emission standards, strict implementation of emission standards.

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The Yangtze River Delta region significantly reduced the concentrations of fine particulate matter. Accelerate the adjustment of industrial structure, to eliminate the energy consumption and environmental protection standards of production capacity etc.. Comprehensively promote the comprehensive improvement of volatile organic compounds in oil refining, petrochemical, industrial coating, printing and other industries.

Vigorously promote the Pearl River Delta region to take the lead in realizing the basic standards of atmospheric environmental quality. Focus on volatile organic compounds and nitrogen oxides control. Focus on promoting the petrochemical, chemical, oil storage and transportation sales, automobile manufacturing, shipbuilding (maintenance), comprehensive treatment of volatile organic compounds in container manufacturing, printing, furniture manufacturing, footwear and other industries.

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Control of key areas of key industry emissions of volatile organic compounds. To strengthen the control of volatile organic compounds in key industries of petrochemical, organic chemicals, coating, packaging and printing etc.. Fine particulate matter and ozone pollution provinces industry total control of volatile organic pollutants, making volatile organic pollutant total control target and implementation plan. Strengthen cooperation to reduce emissions of volatile organic compounds and nitrogen oxides, a fixed source and mobile source and area source emission inventory, the implementation of key emission reduction of volatile aromatic hydrocarbons, alkenes, alkynes, aldehydes, ketones and other organic matter. Development of the petrochemical industry leak detection and repair special action to carry out governance for fugitive emissions. Around the time to clear, complete the gas station, oil storage, oil tanker oil and gas recovery, oil and gas recovery rate increased to more than 90%, and accelerate the crude oil terminal oil and gas recovery.