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Naphtha prices rose slightly this week (12.23-12.27)

1、 Price data


As of December 27, the average ex factory price of domestic refined and hydrogenated naphtha was 6343.33 yuan / ton, up 0.53% from 6310.00 yuan / ton at the beginning of the week, and the actual transaction price of refined and hydrogenated naphtha was about 6300 yuan / ton.


The naphtha commodity index on December 27 was 78.29, unchanged from yesterday, down 23.71% from 102.62 (2012-09-24), the highest point in the cycle, and up 85.35% from 42.24, the lowest point on July 19, 2016. (Note: cycle refers to 2012-09-01 to now)


2、 Analysis of influencing factors


Product: the price of refined naphtha rose slightly this week, and trading was basically stable.


potassium persulphate

Industry chain: upstream: according to the monitoring of the business agency, WTI crude oil in the United States is 60.44 USD / barrel at the beginning of the week, 61.68 USD / barrel at the end of the week, up or down by 2.05%; Brent crude oil is 66.14 USD / barrel at the beginning of the week, 67.92 USD / barrel at the end of the week, up or down by 2.69%. At present, the trade relations between China and the United States have eased, the global economic slowdown concerns have subsided, and OPEC countries will continue to reduce production. Downstream: according to the monitoring of the business agency, the domestic toluene market fell in shock this week, down about 1.07% as of Friday. At present, the mainstream price in East China is about 5500-5550 yuan / ton. This week, the domestic isomeric xylene market fell back, down about 0.96% as of Friday. At present, the mainstream price in East China is about 5750 yuan / ton. This week, the domestic PX price trend is stable, and the market price is about 6700 yuan / ton.


Industry: according to the price monitoring of the business association, in the 51st week of 2019 (12.23-12.27), there are nine commodities in the list of commodity prices rising and falling, among which the top three commodities are liquefied gas (3.12%), Brent crude oil (2.69%) and petroleum coke (2.08%). There are two kinds of commodities falling on a month on month basis, and one kind of commodities falling by more than 5%, accounting for 6.3% of the number of commodities monitored in this sector; the top two products falling are LNG (- 6.30%) and methanol (- 0.85%). This week’s average was 0.27%.


3、 Future forecast


According to energy analysts of business club, naphtha refining increased slightly this week, and the international crude oil price continued to rise this week. Some suppliers prepared goods in advance, some refineries destocked and delivered goods actively. At present, the market just needs to be strong. It is expected that the price of naphtha refining and hydrogenation will stabilize in the near future, and some refineries will fluctuate slightly, with the average price range of 6200-6400 yuan / ton.

Market trend of cryolite this week was stable (12.23-12.27)

1、 Price trend


According to the data of the business club’s bulk list, the market price of cryolite this week is stable. The average market price in the week is 5966.67 yuan / ton, and the average market price in the weekend is 5900.00 yuan / ton. The price is increased by 66.67 yuan / ton, or 1.13%, 7.25% lower than last year.


2、 Market analysis


Product: this week, the price trend of cryolite is temporarily stable. Cryolite enterprises have sufficient inventory and fair transaction. The quotation of manufacturers in Henan Province is mainly stable, and the quotation of some enterprises is increased. The main reason is that in the winter heating season, affected by the environmental protection policy, the upstream production is reduced, the raw materials are in short supply, and the price keeps up with the rise. The inventory of enterprises before this year is still acceptable, and they are sold by single. As of 27, the factory quotation of cryolite in Shandong is about 6500-6950 yuan / ton; the factory quotation of cryolite in Henan is 5000-6400 yuan / ton. At present, the price of cryolite of Zhengzhou Zerun energy and Chemical Co., Ltd. is 5000 yuan / ton; that of Jiaozuo Minli industry is 6500 yuan / ton; that of Zhengzhou Tianrui crystal technology is 6400 yuan / ton.


potassium persulphate

Industry chain: the price trend of fluorite in the upstream of cryolite is stable this week, and the average price of domestic market at the weekend is about 2894.44 yuan / ton, which is flat compared with the beginning of the week. In recent years, the price trend of fluorite in China has fluctuated, with little change in price. The supply of goods within the site is normal, the market is general, the downstream is purchased on demand, and the spot supply of fluorite is normal. In terms of the downstream aluminum industry, the aluminum price this week shows an “inverted V” trend. The average market price at the beginning of the week is 14456.67 yuan / ton, and at the end of the week is 14450.00 yuan / ton, down 6.67 yuan / ton. The price in the week is down 0.05%. The overall price has little change. In the winter heating season, due to the environmental protection industrial production policy, the aluminum output may be reduced, which will also have an impact on the upstream cryolite industry.


3、 Future forecast


According to the cryolite product analyst of business association, at present, the quotation of cryolite market is multi-dimensional and stable, the manufacturer’s devices are in normal operation, and the inventory is acceptable. When the supply exceeds the demand, the enterprise’s competitive pressure is obvious, and the downstream purchase tends to be low. Considering the influence of upstream raw materials, the enterprise is less likely to sell at low price. It is expected that the cryolite market will be reorganized and operated in the later stage, with specific attention to market demand.

Bromine market price in this week is weakly stable (12.23-12.27)

1、 Price data:


According to the data monitoring of the business club’s bulk list, this week’s domestic bromine market was slightly stable, with the average price at the beginning of the week around 30666 yuan / ton, and the average price at the weekend around 30722 yuan / ton, slightly up 0.18%, down 11.34% compared with the same period last year.


2、 Cause analysis


potassium persulphate

Product: the domestic bromine market started at a low level this week. The enterprise’s delivery situation is general, and the supply of goods is limited. Some enterprises have suspended the delivery. However, the downstream market is still on the ground, showing a weak trend of supply and demand in the industry. At present, the enterprise’s quotation is between 30000-31000 yuan / ton.


Industry chain: according to the price monitoring of the business agency, in the 51st week of 2019 (12.23-12.27), there are two kinds of commodities rising and falling in the price list of bromine chemical industry, one kind of commodities falling and two kinds of commodities rising and falling to 0. The main commodities rising were sulfuric acid (3.53%) and bromine (0.18%); the main commodities falling were sulfur (- 5.63%).


3、 Future forecast


According to the bromine industry analysts of business association, at present, the supply side and demand side of domestic bromine market are in a weak stage, while the downstream market mainly purchases rigid demand, but the rigid demand is soft, and the bromine price is expected to maintain stable operation in the short term.

In 2019, PP price fell in shock, competition strengthened capacity expansion

1、 Price trend


Business Club monitoring: in 2019, PP changed its strong momentum in 2018, and the price fluctuated back. As of December 23, the main offer price of T30S, a domestic producer and trader of PP, was about 7916.67 yuan / ton, with a decrease of 14.10% compared with that at the beginning of the year. This year, a lot of rubber and plastic materials are trapped in the same negative situation of capacity expansion and weak demand, PP is no exception. The main reason for the weakness of PP in this year is the long-term production background and the shrinking downstream.


After the beginning of 2019, the price of propylene in the upstream of PP continued to go down and the inventory was high, so the merchants lowered the focus of offer to deal with it. Upstream support weakened. The first half of the year also witnessed the easing of the Sino US trade war, with crude oil supported by tensions in the Middle East and OPEC production cuts. The improvement of US trade and the gradual rise of crude oil played a supporting role in PP market. However, the overall supply and demand of PP is weak, and the industry continues to de stock. The weakening of downstream demand in the second quarter is one of the main reasons for negative PP, and the new production expectation has also started to release pressure to PP supply side at this time. At the same time, in the first half of the year, there were less parking and maintenance in China’s petrochemical enterprises, and imported materials were successively concentrated in Hong Kong. The multi-faceted decline resulted in a staged low of 8233.33 yuan / ton in early June.


In the second half of the year, PP upstream propylene market experienced ups and downs due to uncertain international crude oil prices in the third quarter. At the end of July, the price of crude oil rose sharply. By the middle of the quarter, the international crude oil market had been sharply reduced several times, which resulted in a phased negative for propylene. At the end of the quarter, affected by international news such as the attack on Saudi oil production facilities, the US President Trump’s consideration of relaxing sanctions on Iran, and Saudi Arabia’s statement that oil production will resume soon, the international crude oil market suddenly dived after the surge, and the propylene market experienced twists and turns. However, the supply is tight before and after the festival, and the current refinery inventory is low. The downstream polymerization factories are profitable, the customers are active in purchasing and active in transaction. With the completion of goods preparation, the profit of the merchants was sold, and the price of propylene fell in late September.


potassium persulphate

Accordingly, the domestic PP price was adjusted in the third quarter, and the beginning of the quarter was at the end of the field digestion inventory stage, and the inventory pressure was further reduced. In addition, the price of propylene at the cost end fluctuated higher, and the willingness of some businesses to hold up the price increased. Domestic PP offer fluctuated higher. Meanwhile, the sharp rise in futures also boosted spot prices. Compared with June’s market, the shock correction lasted until August. The overhaul capacity was 348800 tons, an increase of 37.43% compared with 258800 tons in July. In the middle of the quarter, the cost support from propylene also decreased, leading to factory price reduction due to many factors.


As the demand side raw material inventory is relatively low before the peak season, the PP market will naturally rise in the peak season. Moreover, at the end of the quarter, the “double festival” stock up boom was intensified. In addition, the air pollution control plan around Beijing Tianjin wing caused the shutdown of polymerization plants in many cities. The inventory of two barrels of oil PP and traders continued to decline, and businesses actively shipped goods, and the inventory decreased significantly. Tight spot supply is good for price formation. Until the end of September and the beginning of October, PP futures fell in shock, which affected the confidence of the industry. The focus of spot price in most regions was loose, the market rose and fell, weak shock. The overall trading atmosphere in the market is general, and the market supply is expected to increase. With the stock up boom basically completed, high-end price transactions decreased and PP price fell.


During the National Day holiday, due to the impact of the policy of limiting production and traffic, the markets of all parties generally maintained stability, with occasional downward trend. After the end of the policy, the overall price of PP market fell in October, a weak correction. The upstream propylene market weakened, with limited cost support for PP. In terms of supply, in the middle of this month, the units such as Anyuan united and Daqing Refining and Chemical Co., Ltd. were put into operation again, with the domestic operation rate reaching 90%, and the peak season of PP maintenance was ended. New equipment capacity is also gradually put into production, and domestic supply pressure will continue to increase. After saving, the replenishment of downstream factories has been completed, without centralized replenishment. Under the influence of environmental protection policies, it is difficult to further improve the downstream operating rate, which is still low compared with the same period last year. As a result, the stock removal rate of petrochemical industry began to slow down.


At the end of the year, the spot prices of PP market showed each other’s rise and fall, and the overall adjustment was weak and volatile. From the end of the year to the beginning of next year, the production capacity of PP also put a lot of pressure on the supply side. Compared with 2015 and 2016, the production capacity expansion of PP in recent two years is converging. However, in 2019, the domestic production capacity has exploded. According to statistics, the annual new production capacity including powder is expected to be close to 6 million tons, with a growth rate of 26.3%. Industry competition is becoming increasingly fierce and profits are being squeezed. In addition, the main demand of plastic products – plastic weaving, BOPP film, non-woven fabric, injection molding and other performance weak. The weak downstream products and the slow follow-up of the downstream factories’ replenishment are the important factors and manifestations of the compression of the profits of plastic enterprises.


3、 Future forecast

PP analysts of business club think that the performance of polypropylene market in 2019 is a typical imbalance between supply and demand. The expansion of capacity growth has reached its highest since 2010. And this capacity expansion is expected to continue until 2021, and PP capacity will be in the stage of rapid expansion for a long time. In addition, the foreign trade of rubber and plastic industry in China is blocked to some extent, and the competition between domestic polymerization plants will be more and more fierce. At the same time, the upstream propylene market is volatile, which has limited support for PP. The follow-up of the growth of the downstream demand side cannot smooth the rapid expansion of domestic production capacity. Therefore, the business club believes that in 2019, PP fundamentals are long and short, and the market is weak and volatile in terms of results. In the next two years, with the release of supply side pressure from new capacity, PP industry may be more difficult.

The price of calcium carbide in Northwest China this week was temporarily stable (12.16-12.20)

1、 Price trend


According to the price monitoring of the business agency, the ex factory price of calcium carbide in Northwest China this week was temporarily stable. This week, the average ex factory price of main carbide manufacturers was 2703.33 yuan / ton, down 0.1% year on year. Overall, this week’s calcium carbide market is temporarily stable, December 20 calcium carbide commodity index is 70.83.


2、 Trend analysis


(1) Products:


The ex factory price of carbide in Northwest China this week is temporarily stable: the price of carbide in oveganeng this weekend is 2590 yuan / ton, which is temporarily stable compared with that at the beginning of the week; the price of carbide in Shaanxi coal industry this weekend is 2450 yuan / ton, which is temporarily stable compared with that at the beginning of the week; the price of carbide in China United Inner Mongolia this week is 2820 yuan / ton, which is temporarily stable compared with that at the beginning of the week; the price of carbide in Xingping Ningxia this weekend is 2700 yuan / ton, which is temporarily stable compared with that at the beginning of the week In comparison, the offer is stable for the time being.


potassium persulphate

This weekend, the actual transaction price of carbide in Northwest China is about 2400-2800 yuan / ton: the mainstream transaction price of carbide in Shaanxi is about 2400-2600 yuan / ton; the mainstream transaction price of carbide in Ningxia is about 2700 yuan / ton; the mainstream transaction price of carbide in Inner Mongolia is about 2800 yuan / ton, and the actual transaction price is mainly negotiated.


(2) Industrial chain:


Upstream raw material Market: the ex factory quotation of Lancan is temporarily stable this week, with the quotation of 730.00 yuan / ton. The price of raw materials in the upstream is low and consolidated, and the cost support is insufficient, which has a negative impact on the price of calcium carbide.


Downstream market: PVC factory price fell slightly this week. PVC price dropped from 7025.50 yuan / ton at the beginning of the week to 7007.50 yuan / ton at the end of the week, down 0.28%, up 6.58% year on year. Although the downstream PVC market fell slightly this week, but compared with last year, the price is higher, and downstream customers are more active in purchasing calcium carbide. As a whole, PVC market this week has a positive impact on the price of calcium carbide.


3、 Future forecast


After the adjustment in November, the capital return of each plant is in good condition, the equipment maintenance is completed, and the production capacity is increased. The price of raw materials in the upstream is low, and the cost support is not enough, but the PVC market in the downstream is good, and customers in the downstream are more active in purchasing calcium carbide. The aftermarket forecasts that the price of calcium carbide in the northwest may rise in shock in late December.

Aniline prices fell 3.68% this week (December 16-20)

1、 Price trend


Aniline prices in Shandong and Nanjing fell this week, according to a large number of data in the list of business agencies. On Friday, the market price of aniline in Shandong Province was 6450 yuan / ton, 3.01% lower than that of 6650 yuan / ton on Friday, and that in Nanjing was 6750 yuan / ton, 4.93% lower than that of 7100 yuan / ton on Friday.


2、 Analysis and comment


Raw materials: the listing price of pure benzene on Friday is 5700-5900 yuan / ton, 0.88% higher than last week. This week, the port inventory of pure benzene continued to decline compared with last week, and the domestic pure benzene spot shortage and other good support, the domestic pure benzene price continued to rise in the first half of the week. However, due to Sinopec’s lack of price adjustment guidance in the second half of the week, the market’s rising mentality fell and the price was stable.


potassium persulphate

Product: aniline rose 8.51% driven by rising cost. Due to the rapid rise last week and the weak demand in the downstream itself, most of the aniline factories had difficulties in shipping this week.


3、 Future expectation


Raw materials: the downstream products of pure benzene need to be soft and the profit is thin, or the market of pure benzene will be limited. In the later stage, it is necessary to pay attention to the start-up load change of downstream and hydrobenzene units.


At present, the profit of aniline has been close to the cost line, and the expectation of upstream pure benzene has not been lowered significantly in the short term.


It is predicted that the short-term aniline operation will be stable and weak, and the later stage will focus on the enterprise inventory and pure benzene dynamics.

Antimony ingot Market this week (12.09-12.13)

I. price trend


On December 13, the antimony commodity index was 55.16, unchanged from yesterday, down 46.09% from 102.32 (2012-10-16), the highest point in the cycle, and up 17.41% from 46.98, the lowest point on December 24, 2015. (Note: cycle refers to 2012-09-08 to now).


ammonium persulfate

II. Market analysis


Upstream and downstream: antimony oxide fell with the trend of antimony ingot on Wednesday, and the transaction was light. As of Friday, the average price of antimony trioxide was 99.5% at 34000 yuan / ton and 99.8% at 36500 yuan / ton.


Domestic market: the market price of antimony ingot is low this week, the market trading is limited, and the transaction is low. By the end of the year, most enterprises have completed the settlement, some manufacturers have suspended the shipment, the downstream purchase intention is low, and the overall market is mainly waiting. As of Friday, the average price of 2 × low bismuth antimony ingots was 37750 yuan / ton, 1 × antimony ingots was 38250 yuan / ton, 0 × antimony ingots was 39250 yuan / ton, and 2 × high bismuth antimony ingots was 35750 yuan / ton.


potassium persulphate

Nonferrous Industry: leading by the strong breakthrough of copper, the basic metals have stepped out of the low-lying area and kept rising. At the beginning of the week, the market continued the positive sentiment brought by the non-agricultural data on Friday. The announcement of the Federal Reserve’s interest rate meeting held confidence in the future economic development and long positions increased into the market. After the week, the European Central Bank’s interest rate meeting stated that the loose policy is still the same, and the Conservative Party of the British general election is set. Next year, 1 In May, the brexit is expected to be completed, the pound soared, the US dollar fell below the 97 point mark, and the base metal soared again. The market expects that the US will postpone the imposition of trade tariffs on China’s imported goods. The trade disputes between the two countries may be eased, and the US dollar continues to weaken, which has boosted the strength of the metal market.


III. future prospects


PMI data of various countries will be released next week. The market is expected to recover. The U.S. stock market has set a record high continuously. The U.S. dollar is low and volatile. The macro environment is still optimistic. All basic metals have got rid of the previous low range this week. Under the short market, there is still momentum to continue to rise. The spot is also the last time window for the closing of the last long single transaction of this year It will maintain a strong price trend, so it is easier for the two cities to show a strong trend in the basic metal period. The antimony ingot Market will mainly wait and see in the short term.

Narrow range finishing of methanol market price

I. price trend


According to the price monitoring of the business agency, the domestic methanol market was sorted out in a narrow range. As of December 13, the average price of the domestic methanol market was 2120 yuan / ton. The price is 1.92% higher than that of the same period last month and 14.31% lower than that of the same period last year.


II. Market analysis


Product: the domestic methanol market continues to be weak, and the local price drops slightly. In terms of the mainland market, the overall change is not big, the demand side remains light, and some enterprises make a small profit when the shipment is weak. It is reported that under the red warning in Henan and other places, some downstream enterprises stop production and vehicle transportation is also limited, which needs continuous attention. In the port market, inventory continued to decline and the market fluctuated in a narrow range, with little change as a whole. However, after the port price was raised, arbitrage with the mainland was closed, and shipment weakened.


potassium persulphate

Freight: domestic methanol freight has been sorting out recently, with partial increase. Reference 170-240 yuan / ton for part of Inner Mongolia North line to Lubei, including 200-240 yuan / ton for Daqi to Lubei, 170-200 yuan / ton for road to Lubei, 170-220 yuan / ton for South line to Lubei, 160 yuan / ton for South line to Hebei, 150-200 yuan / ton for Guanzhong to Lubei, 200 yuan / ton for part to Lunan, 130-160 yuan / ton for Shanxi to Lubei, and The part of Lianyungang is 210 yuan / ton. The reference from Xinjiang to North Shandong is 700 yuan / ton, and from Ningxia to North Shandong is 200-210 yuan / ton.


Industry chain: formaldehyde: the domestic formaldehyde market is in a weak position. This week, affected by the heavy pollution weather, the plate factory is not in high operation and the demand is limited. After the price is lowered at the beginning of the week, the profit margin is not large due to the cost problem, and the price is kept low within the week. At present, all cities in Shandong Province have successively lifted the early warning from the previous day. However, the cost of methanol is currently weak in some parts. In this case, it is expected that formaldehyde will be slightly sorted in the later stage. Linyi 1050-1100 yuan / ton, Heze part of the manufacturers shipped 1000 yuan / ton, Zibo high-end fine chemicals 1300 yuan / ton.


Acetic acid: the domestic market of glacial acetic acid is stable. Affected by the news of SOPP device, limited transportation of local weather in the north, and negative load reduction in Lunan, the supplier’s offer was temporarily stable, and the persistent bearish mentality in the early stage improved. Due to the low sales pressure due to the long-term delivery of documents by some enterprises, the prices are relatively firm. Individual spot sales enterprises have obvious selling pressure, but considering cost, the intention of price adjustment is not high. Downstream to maintain rigid procurement, acetate, PTA, vinyl acetate and other start-up are stable.


sodium persulfate

Dimethyl ether: in the short term, the domestic market of dimethyl ether is up and down, with average market performance. At present, there is no good guidance for the news, local areas limit air mixing, upstream and downstream operations are cautious, and it is expected that the domestic market for dimethyl ether will be mainly consolidated in the short term.


III. future forecast


From the perspective of the business community: on the positive side, freight: in winter, when the haze and snowfall are concentrated, local freight rises, and the cost of arrival increases; on the raw material end, in the heating season of autumn and winter, under the protection of natural gas for civil use, the supply and demand situation still supports the market to a certain extent. On the negative side, demand: in the near future, the trading atmosphere is not good, coupled with the decline of local downstream construction, the demand side is further weakened, and local prices continue to fall; supply: some early-stage parking devices have been recovered, and local supply has increased; Arbitrage: arbitrage between the port and the mainland is basically closed, and the delivery speed is slowed down. The methanol analysts of the business club expect that the short-term domestic methanol market is flat, and some of them are still expected to decline.

Consolidation and operation of BDO market in China

I. price trend


According to the sample data monitored by the business association, as of December 10, the average price of domestic BDO market was 9780 yuan / ton, rising 2.73% month on month, down 7.74% year on year.


II. Market analysis


Products: the domestic BDO market has been reorganized and operated, the spot supply is limited, the intention of the supplier to hold up the price is continued, the offer is stable, the enthusiasm of the downstream market is low, the high price resistance is obvious, and the focus of market negotiation is temporarily stable. The supply side is still supported, the long-term shipment is stable, the spot supply is slightly tight, the factory has a strong market mentality, the offer is high, and the negotiation focus is strong. Downstream more just need to purchase, bargaining sentiment. Supply is expected to increase this week, with the industry waiting cautiously.


potassium persulphate

In terms of market, the BDO market in North China has been digested and sorted out, with the support of on-site supply, firm factory offer and strong wait-and-see mentality with small downstream orders entering the market. The focus of on-site negotiation is relatively strong. The BDO market in East China is waiting to be sorted out. The on-site operating rate is low, the spot supply is limited, and the firm price intention of the factory is high. Most of the downstream companies are not signed next year, waiting for further guidance from the news face calmly. BDO market in South China runs at a high level, with smooth factory delivery and strong market mentality. The downstream purchases are on demand. The atmosphere for negotiation of large orders in the field is relatively cold, and the price of small orders is relatively firm.


Industry chain: in terms of raw materials, methanol, Shaanxi and Mongolia announced this week that the price of methanol fell about 20% compared with the same period last week. Haze weather affected local transportation in the north, with longer cycle and strong freight. Pay attention to the bidding situation of downstream enterprises such as Lubei refining Co., Ltd. Ma continues to run in shock, with most businesses waiting. In the short term, China’s methanol market is mainly consolidation.


Calcium carbide: domestic market price of calcium carbide is mainly stable. Due to the fog and haze in North China, the transportation of calcium carbide is blocked and the trucks to be unloaded are gradually consumed. The arrival of goods in Henan is limited. Tomorrow, the purchase price is expected to be increased to attract the source of goods. Up to now, the mainstream quotation in Henan is 2850-2900 yuan / ton; the mainstream quotation in Hebei is 2880-2890 yuan / ton; the mainstream quotation in Northeast is 2970-3030 yuan / ton; the mainstream quotation in Shandong is 2880-3080 yuan / ton; the mainstream quotation in Shaanxi is 2530-2560 yuan / ton; the mainstream quotation in Shanxi is 2750 yuan / ton; the mainstream quotation in Tianjin is 2900 yuan / ton.


III. future forecast


On the whole, on the positive side, the manufacturers are willing to support the market, and some of them are under maintenance. On the negative side, downstream demand is weak. BDO analysts predict that in the short term, the domestic BDO market will be in a strong operation, with specific attention to plant restart and downstream demand.

Multiple positive supports, China’s domestic rare earth continued to rise

Recently, the price of rare earth in China has continued to rise, but the market price of some rare earth products is still at a low level. The price trend chart of some rare earth products in China:


In recent years, the market price of heavy rare earth in China has continued to rise. As of December 6, the price of dysprosium oxide rose by 3.68% to 1.69 million yuan / ton; the price of dysprosium ferroalloy rose by 3.09% to 1.67 million yuan / ton; the market price of some light rare earth in China also rose. In December, the price of neodymium oxide rose by 5000 yuan / ton to 291500 yuan / ton; the price of praseodymium neodymium alloy rose by 4500 yuan / ton to 364500 yuan / ton; The price of praseodymium neodymium oxide rose by 5000 yuan / ton to 289500 yuan / ton. In recent years, the domestic price of heavy rare earth has continued to rise, and the market price of light rare earth has correspondingly risen. Affected by the favorable national policies, the domestic rare earth market has improved.


potassium persulphate

On December 5, the rare earth index was 340 points, up 2 points from yesterday, 66.00% lower than the highest point in the cycle, 1000 points (2011-12-06), and 25.46% higher than the lowest point, 271 point, on September 13, 2015. (Note: cycle refers to 2011-12-01 to now).


In recent years, the market price of Rare Earth continues to rise, the price of heavy rare earth in the rare earth market rises, the domestic supply policy of heavy rare earth market, the export of heavy rare earth has improved, and the domestic price of heavy rare earth rebounds and rises. In addition, the demand for permanent magnet has increased recently, the market trend of PR nd series products has stopped falling, the on-site supply is normal, the demand for light rare earth is general in the near future, and the market price remains low. The price fluctuation of rare earth market is related to the national environmental protection supervision. Rare earth production has particularity, especially some products have radiation hazards, which makes the environmental protection supervision more strict. Under the strict inspection of environmental protection, the manufacturer reasonably controls the sales, but the downstream demand has not changed much in the near future, and the price trend of most rare earths is mainly stable.


Recently, Geng Shuang, spokesman of the Ministry of foreign affairs, said that China is the world’s largest country in rare earth reserves and production, and plays an important role in the global rare earth industry chain. China has been adhering to the principle of openness, coordination and sharing, promoting the development of domestic rare earth industry, and is willing to meet the legitimate needs of the development of all countries in the world with rare earth resources and products, so as to promote China’s economy and the world Economic development plays an active role. China’s rare earth production accounts for 73% of the world’s total, ranking first in the world and playing an important role in the game between big countries. Rare earth PR nd and Dy TB are mainly used in NdFeB magnetic steel. Recently, the Ministry of industry and information technology and the Ministry of natural resources jointly issued a notice to release the total amount control indicators of rare earth mining and smelting separation and tungsten mining in 2019. The Ministry of industry and information technology of China announced that the total amount of rare earth mining and smelting separation in 2019 was 132000 tons and 127000 tons respectively, while the quota of rare earth mining in 2018 was 120000 tons, an increase of 12000 tons, and the data in 2019 It’s the highest year since 2014. In addition, the Ministry of industry and information technology, together with relevant departments, drafted the development plan of new energy vehicle industry (2021-2035). After 15 years of continuous efforts, China’s core technology of new energy vehicles will reach the international leading level. By 2025, the proportion of new energy vehicle sales will reach about 25%. Driven by national policies, the supply and demand pattern of rare earth industry is expected to further improve, and China’s domestic demand is expected to further improve The price of rare earth in the domestic market has increased.


Rare earth analysts of the business agency expect that the recent domestic environmental protection scrutiny will not be reduced. In addition, the domestic export of rare earth industry will be well supported, and the supply and demand pattern is improving in a good way. It is expected that the price of heavy rare earth in the rare earth market is still expected to continue to rise, and the light rare earth affected will also have a rebound.