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Low price of lithium iron phosphate under pressure

According to the data monitored by the business agency, as of July 10, the average price of lithium iron phosphate, a high-grade power product in China, was 37000.00 yuan / ton. In July, the power market increased, but the demand was still insufficient. The overall market recovery was slow, the market competition was fierce, and enterprises were operating under pressure.


The market price range of lithium iron phosphate power type is 34500-37000 yuan / ton, and the price has not changed significantly. In July, the power orders increased, but there is still a long way to go. The price continues to maintain the cost online and offline, actively ship goods and actively yield profits. The demand is general, and the transaction atmosphere is mild. The price range of energy storage lithium iron phosphate is 28000-33500 yuan / ton, with an average price of about 30000 yuan / ton, Battery plants have purchased iron lithium materials in succession. The energy storage market has low requirements for iron and lithium, and the market competition is fierce. Lithium iron phosphate manufacturers operate under pressure. At present, the quotation of power type lithium iron phosphate enterprises is 37000 yuan / ton for Guangdong Optical Technology Co., Ltd., 37000 yuan / ton for Foshan Defang Nano Technology Co., Ltd., and 37000 yuan / ton for beiteri new energy materials Co., Ltd.


Benzalkonium chloride

The upstream lithium carbonate has maintained stable operation this week with a slight increase in demand, but most enterprises are on the wait-and-see state on the raw material price. At present, the mainstream price range of industrial grade lithium carbonate is 32000-37000 yuan / ton, and the mainstream price range of battery grade lithium carbonate is 39000-41000 yuan / ton,


The commodity index of lithium carbonate on July 9 was 100.13, down 0.51 points from yesterday, 75.28% from 405.10 points (2018-01-07), and 1.61% higher than the lowest point of 98.54 points on October 16, 2014. (Note: period refers to 2011-09-01 to now)


On July 9, the chemical index was 667 points, unchanged with yesterday, down 34.35% from the highest point of 1016 points (2012-03-13), and 11.54% higher than the lowest point of 598 points on April 8, 2020. (Note: period refers to 2011-12-01 to now)


Business Club lithium iron phosphate analysts believe that: the market demand for lithium iron phosphate is insufficient, the enterprise competition is fierce, the transaction price continues to be on and off the cost line, all enterprises are operating under pressure, and the price is stable in the short term. (the above prices are provided by major lithium iron phosphate manufacturers all over the country and analyzed by business lithium iron phosphate analysts for reference only. Please contact relevant manufacturers for more price details.)


Weak operation of soda ash market in June

1、 Price trend


According to the monitoring data of business agency, the weak operation of domestic soda ash this month. The average market price in East China at the beginning of the month was about 1283.33 yuan / ton, and the average market price at the end of the month was 1266.67 yuan / ton, down 1.3% and 31.57% compared with the same period last year. On June 29, the commodity index of light soda ash was 64.96, which was the same as yesterday, decreased by 44.88% from the highest point of 117.86 point (2017-11-21), and increased by 2.87% from the lowest point of 63.15 on November 18, 2015. (Note: period refers to 2011-09-01 to now)



2、 Market analysis


According to the business agency, at present, the basic maintenance of soda ash enterprises has been completed, only a few enterprises still have maintenance plans in July, and some enterprises have good inventory clearance. The main market price of light soda ash is about 1200-1300 yuan / ton, and that of heavy soda is 1350-1400 yuan / ton. The current mainstream market price of light soda ash is about 1050-1250 yuan / ton, and the mainstream price of heavy soda ash is 1150-1250 yuan / ton. The light and stable price of light soda ash in East China is running The current mainstream market price is about 1050-1250 yuan / ton, and the mainstream market price of heavy soda ash is 1150-1250 yuan / ton.


At present, the mainstream price of domestic light soda ash and heavy soda ash Market


Regional price (yuan / ton)

North China 1200-1300 0

East China 1050-1250 0

Huazhong 1000-1100 0

Regional price (yuan / ton)

North China 1350-14000

East China 1150-1250 0

Central China 1100-1150 0

In terms of raw materials: in June, some of the two soda enterprises have completed the maintenance, and the downstream soda enterprises may purchase more industrial salt. However, due to the impact of high inventory, the supply and demand of raw salt and soda ash are still in a state of contradiction, and the market is full of wait-and-see atmosphere.


Demand: according to the current glass industry capacity utilization rate year-on-year decline, market demand accumulation. In the short term, the current downstream inventory is sufficient and still needs time to digest. The soda ash market is still mainly purchased on demand.


According to the price monitoring of the business agency, in the 25th week of 2020 (6.22-6.26), there are 0 kinds of commodities rising and 2 kinds of falling commodities in the price rising and falling list of chlor alkali industry, and there are 3 kinds of commodities that rise or fall to 0. The main commodities that fell were light soda (- 1.30%) and PVC (- 0.40%). This week, the average rise and fall was – 0.34%.


3、 Future forecast


The domestic light soda ash market is weak, the market atmosphere is light, the downstream market demand is not significantly improved, the market transaction is general, it is expected that the price of soda ash will be weak in the short term. The soda ash analysts of the business club believe that: in the near future, the maintenance and inventory removal of soda enterprises is good, and the effect of de stocking of glass enterprises is also good. In late June, the inventory of some enterprises has been maintained at a low level, and the price has begun to rise slightly. However, the overall inventory is still large, so the short-term soda ash market will still run in a weak market.

Factory overhaul at the end of June stimulates acetone market price to stop falling and recover

At the end of the month, the first one was the 150 kt / a acetone plant of Sinopec well 3, which was shut down for maintenance on June 28 for about 2 months. Then, Yangzhou Shiyou’s 120000 T / a acetone plant stopped sending out, and on June 30, it was shut down for 7-10 days. As soon as the overhaul news of two major manufacturers in East China came out, the confidence of acetone market was improved and the market offer was pushed up rapidly. Among them, the East China region is the most obvious. On June 28, the market offer in East China was about 9350 yuan / ton, and on the 30th, the opening price of East China was pushed up to 9700 yuan / ton, and the market inquiry increased rapidly. As shown in the figure below:


Benzalkonium chloride

Acetone market trend in East China in June


In the view of business associations, the acetone market is supported by the demand of disinfection market, and its price has set a record. At present, the downstream application of acetone is wide, among which medicine and disinfection are just needed. There is still market space after the price returns to rational space. Under the game of supply and demand, the demand for raw materials will also increase. The business association predicts that this wave of recovery in acetone market will be short-term, and the previous market will not reappear. The short-term stability is mainly based on the reference value of 9500-9800 yuan / ton in East China, and it is still expected to continue to decline in the future.

Cryolite market is temporarily stable (6.15-6.19)

1、 Price trend


According to the data of the business club’s large scale list, the market price of cryolite this week was stable. The average market price in Henan Province was 5600.00 yuan / ton in the week, which was flat compared with the price at the end of last week, down 12.04% compared with last year. On June 21, the cryolite commodity index was 68.02, unchanged from yesterday, down 32.79% from 101.21 (2011-10-31), the highest point in the cycle, and up 2.52% from 66.35, the lowest point on September 5, 2016. (Note: cycle refers to 2011-09-01 to now).


povidone Iodine

2、 Market analysis


The domestic price of cryolite is stable this week. As of the 19th, the price of cryolite in Shandong Province is about 5000-6800 yuan / ton, while that in Henan Province is 4800-6000 yuan / ton. Cryolite enterprises in Henan Province follow the trend of the market, and their quotations are mostly stable. The manufacturers start normal operation of their devices, have sufficient inventory, and mainly sell them according to the orders. At present, about 70% of Zhengzhou Tianrui grain Co., Ltd. has started construction, with more downstream demand and acceptable inventory; Jiaozuo Minli Industrial Co., Ltd. has a full unit load, normal operation and sufficient supply.


In terms of upstream fluorite, the price trend this week was temporarily stable. The average price of domestic market at the weekend was 2744.44 yuan / ton, which was stable compared with that at the weekend last year. At present, the domestic fluorite manufacturers operate stably, the supply of goods in the field is normal, the stock in the field is acceptable, the downstream users purchase on demand, and the goods are in general condition. Recently, the enterprises reflect that the downstream inquiry has increased, and the market price of fluorite is expected to increase slightly. In the aspect of downstream electrolytic aluminum, under the high pressure of raw material cost, electrolytic aluminum enterprises overhaul ahead of time and take the initiative to reduce production suspension, which may cause short-term shortage of supply and demand.


3、 Future forecast


According to the cryolite analysts of the business association, in terms of the supply and demand performance of the cryolite market at present, the manufacturers are operating normally with sufficient inventory, but the downstream demand is flat, and the enterprises mostly sell on a single basis. It is expected that the cryolite market will operate stably in the short term, with specific attention to the market demand.

Adipic acid market stable on June 22

On June 22, at the beginning of the week, the domestic adipic acid price was stable. The manufacturer’s quotation is temporarily stable, the unit maintains normal operation rate, and the inventory pressure is obvious. The market is in a state of oversupply, the downstream demand is weak, and the off-season effect is still there. At the cost end, pure benzene has dropped from a high level since last week, with a weekly decline of 1.62%, and the fundamentals are generally negative.


povidone Iodine

In terms of local markets:


The market of adipic acid in East China is stable, and the price has not changed much compared with that of last weekend, and there is little change in market inquiry. Downstream demand is still relatively weak, adipic acid price is still relatively low in history, and most dealers’ quotations go with the market. Today, the mainstream market prices are: acceptance price of Shandong source 6700-6800 yuan / ton, acceptance price of Jiangsu source 6800-6900 yuan / ton, and most downstream purchases are based on rigid demand.


The adipic acid Market in South China is also stable, with little change in price compared with the previous weekend. Most dealers reported stable market atmosphere. Dealers quoted prices on the market, and the transaction was general. Today’s mainstream market prices are: Shandong’s 6700-6800 yuan / ton acceptance price, Jiangsu’s 6800-6900 yuan / ton acceptance price, and most of the downstream purchases are just needed.


This week, adipic acid, suffering from supply pressure and weak demand, may remain weak. Prices are weak, not excluding the possibility of a small decline in prices.

Terminal demand supports the continuous rise of hydrogen peroxide price

According to the data monitoring of the business agency, since June, the hydrogen peroxide manufacturers have been intensively overhauling, the terminal rigid demand has increased, the price of hydrogen peroxide has been rising continuously, with an increase of over 18%, 3% at the beginning of the month, over 7% in a single day on August 8, and over 5% on November 11. As of June 18, the average market price of 27.5% hydrogen peroxide was 920 yuan / ton, up 18.45% from the beginning of June.



According to the monthly rise and fall chart of hydrogen peroxide from June 2019 to may 2020, it can be seen that the price of hydrogen peroxide is rising from February to may 2019. In June, the price of hydrogen peroxide dropped by more than 20%, and only in August saw a big rise. However, in the first five months of 2020, hydrogen peroxide rose by only 0.9% in January, fell from February to may, fell by more than 18% in February and by more than 10% in April. Four months in a row. In June, hydrogen peroxide bottomed out and rebounded. By the end of June 18, hydrogen peroxide had risen by more than 18%.


Hydrogen peroxide in 2020 is abnormal compared with 2019, mainly because the downstream terminal of hydrogen peroxide in 2020 is limited, the terminal paper printing, the board industry is in a recession, and the market of hexanolenediamine is weak. In the middle and late May, the terminal industry began to recover. In June, the main enterprises of the paper industry focused on the purchase of chitosan, and the hydrogen peroxide market continued to rise.


Terminal industry warms up the rigid demand to support the continuous strengthening of hydrogen peroxide


In June, the price of corrugated paper began to rise for two consecutive days. Driven by the upward trend of waste paper market, the price of corrugated paper packaging paper in Dongguan, Chongqing and other multi bases of Jiulong paper industry increased by 50 yuan / ton. In the following week, Liwen, Shanying and Liansheng rose strongly, and small and medium-sized paper enterprises continued to increase by 50-80 yuan / ton. On the 8th, the factory price of corrugated paper increased by 50-100 yuan / ton again, and then small and medium-sized paper enterprises increased by 50-80 yuan / ton Paper companies continue to rise 50-100 yuan / ton. In 20 days, the corrugated paper market has completed three rounds of growth, with a maximum increase of 200 yuan / ton.


According to the data monitoring of the business association, the price of caprolactam rose after the May 1st movement. As of June 18, the price of caprolactam had risen by more than 20%. Supported by the price of caprolactam, the price of hydrogen peroxide rose in June. In addition, the hydrogen peroxide manufacturer’s parking maintenance, tight supply, caprolactam and paper market soared, the manufacturer started the stock market one after another, the purchase volume of hydrogen peroxide increased, and the price rose step by step.


Gamma-PGA (gamma polyglutamic acid)

Tight supply of hydrogen peroxide continues to rise


In the middle and last ten days of June, during the shutdown and overhaul of some hydrogen peroxide plants, Hangzhou Mingxin hydrogen peroxide Co., Ltd. stopped for overhaul on the 16th, and Binhua will also stop for overhaul at the end of the month. Hydrogen peroxide terminal caprolactam manufacturers, sulfur dioxide urea customers, the paper industry purchase hydrogen peroxide orders increase, supply is tight, hydrogen peroxide price rising, rising for three consecutive weeks, weekly increase in 50-100 yuan / ton, as of 18 days, the average price of hydrogen peroxide Market is more than 900 yuan / ton, up more than 18%.


Li Bing, an analyst of hydrogen peroxide in business club, thinks that: the end caprolactam, paper market are rising one after another, the rigid demand for hydrogen peroxide is supported, and some hydrogen peroxide manufacturers stop for maintenance, so the price of hydrogen peroxide is easy to rise and hard to fall in a short period of time.

Aniline rose 100 yuan / ton on Wednesday (June 8-12, 2020)

1、 Price trend



According to the data in the bulk list of business associations, the price of aniline rose slightly on Wednesday. On June 5, the price of aniline in Shandong Province was 4400-4490 yuan / ton, and that in East China was 4500-4820 yuan / ton. On June 12, the price of aniline in Shandong Province was 4500-4590 yuan / ton, and that in East China was 4600-4820 yuan / ton, up 2.26% or 100 yuan / ton from last week.



2、 Analysis and comment


In terms of cost, Sinopec’s price of pure benzene was adjusted again this week, with a total increase of 200 yuan / ton. The price difference between the inside and outside of the market was narrowed, and the market bottom supported the strengthening. This week, pure benzene port inventory still rose, but the increase decreased. In the week, the price of pure benzene strengthened, but the downstream market was weak, and the actual market turnover was weak.


The price of nitric acid rebounded slightly. On June 12, the production price in East China was 1450 yuan / ton, 1.16% higher than last week.


Most aniline enterprises have low operating load, and Lianheng MDI device is restarted, which supports the demand for aniline to some extent. The inventory of aniline enterprises is released, and the price rises slightly.


Sodium Molybdate

3、 Future expectation


In the next week, the downstream styrene with the largest demand for pure benzene is bad news, and there are still many ships arriving at Hong Kong. The rise of styrene is weak, and the mentality of pure benzene industry is weak. It is expected that the trend of pure benzene will slightly decrease.


The rising trend of cost is slowing down, while the downstream demand is still low, and it is expected that the price of aniline will remain stable in the short term.

Potassium nitrate price fell this week (06.08-06.12)

According to the data monitored by the business agency, at the beginning of the week, the price of domestic industrial grade first-class potassium nitrate was 4262.50 yuan / ton, and at the end of the week, the price of domestic industrial grade first-class potassium nitrate was 4212.50 yuan / ton, down 1.17%. The current price is down 2.32% month on month, and the current price is down 2.32% year on year.



This week, the domestic potassium nitrate declined slightly, the market trading atmosphere was relatively light, the demand was poor, the actual single was less, and the potassium nitrate market fell. According to the statistics of the business agency: this week, the domestic mainstream potassium nitrate manufacturers quoted 4000-4400 yuan / ton (the quotation is only for reference), and the quotation varies according to the purchase situation.


This week, the quotation of the mainstream manufacturers of potassium chloride was temporarily stable, and the market of potassium chloride faced three major pressures, namely, the large stock in Hong Kong, weak demand and downward international prices. Therefore, the main contradiction in the current market is that supply exceeds demand. Limited support for potassium nitrate.


According to the potassium nitrate analyst of the business agency, the overall trend of domestic potassium fertilizer market is weak in the near future, and the total supply is at a high level. Subsequent prices are mainly affected by inventory. It is expected that the market of potassium nitrate Market will mainly fall in the short term.

The rise of crude oil price supported the slight rise of toluene price this week (6.1-6.7)

1、 Price trend


According to the data of the large scale list of business agencies, the domestic toluene market rose slightly this week. As of Friday, the average domestic price was about 3660 yuan / ton, up 0.55% on last week.


ferric sulfate (Poly ferric sulphate)

2、 Analysis and comment


At present, the market demand has improved, the transaction is general, and the port inventory is on the high side. Influenced by the overall trend of fluctuating rise of international crude oil this week, the domestic toluene price rose slightly this week. At present, the mainstream price in East China is around 3620 yuan / ton.


Upstream, crude oil, data released this week show that OPEC + actively implemented the production reduction agreement in May, and Saudi Arabia and Russia have reached a preliminary agreement to extend the current record production reduction by one month, which, combined with the global economic restart, boosted the recovery of demand and boosted the international oil price this week. As of early Friday morning, spot Brent rose 9.69%, Brent futures rose 10.28%, WTI futures rose 5.25%, and Dubai futures rose 14.49%.

Benzalkonium chloride


On the downstream side, TDI saw a slight increase in the market. At present, the price of domestic goods delivered with tickets is 10900-11300 yuan / ton, and that of Shanghai goods delivered with tickets is 11200-11500 yuan / ton. It is expected that the short-term TDI market will maintain a stable trend and pay close attention to the plant’s later information guidance and the actual market trading situation. In PX market, this week, the price of domestic Sinopec’s enterprises is about 4100 yuan / ton, and the latest price on the outside market is about 486 US dollars / ton for FOB South Korea and 506 US dollars / ton for CFR China. It is expected that the market price of PX will follow the rise in the short term.


3、 Future forecast


Toluene analyst of business and chemical branch thinks: in the short term, we can see the supply cost, OPEC + production reduction, total number of us oil drilling and EIA inventory. In the medium term, we can see the demand side, the economic and trade situation between China and the United States, the progress of economic restart in Europe and the United States, and the progress of industrial chain recovery. Next week, we will focus on the trend of crude oil. Overall, it is expected that the price of toluene in the domestic market will be adjusted next week.

The price of potassium chloride is temporarily stable this week (6.1-6.5)

1、 Price trend


This week, the comprehensive price of potassium chloride was temporarily stable. This week, the average price of the mainstream comprehensive quotation of potassium chloride was 1850.00 yuan / ton, down 21.28% year on year compared with the same period last year. Overall, this week’s potassium chloride market was temporarily stable, with the potassium chloride commodity index at 58.73 on June 5.



2、 Market analysis


The quotation of mainstream potassium chloride manufacturers this week is temporarily stable: the weekly ex factory quotation of Qinghai Salt Lake potassium chloride is 1820 yuan / ton, which is temporarily stable compared with that at the beginning of the week; the weekend distribution quotation of Anhui Badu potassium chloride is 1880 yuan / ton, which is temporarily stable compared with that at the beginning of the week. This week, the actual transaction in the potassium chloride market is not good. On the whole, the main contradiction in the market is that the supply exceeds the demand, the trading atmosphere is cold, the downstream procurement is just in demand, the overall inventory is low, the purchasing market momentum is low, and the domestic potassium chloride market is stable.


3、 Future forecast


In the middle of June, the overall trend of potassium chloride market or low consolidation dominated. The market of potassium chloride is faced with three major pressures, namely, large stock, weak demand and downward international prices. Therefore, the main contradiction in the current market is that supply exceeds demand. According to analysts of KCl in business association, the short-term market of KCl is dominated by low consolidation under the influence of supply and demand and raw materials.