Author Archives: lubon

After new year’s day, the market price of butanone rose steadily

According to the data monitoring of business society, as of January 10, 2022, the average ex factory price of butanone in the domestic market was 12333 yuan / ton. Compared with January 3 (the participating price of butanone was 11533 yuan / ton), the average price increased by 800 yuan / ton, or 6.94%.


Benzalkonium chloride

It can be seen from the data monitoring chart of business society that after the new year’s Day holiday in 2022, the domestic butanone market continued to rise at the end of December. On the first day (January 4) after the holiday, the supply in the butanone field was still tight, and the offer price of butanone factory rose strongly, with a single day increase of about 200-300 yuan / ton. Then the market continued to rise. The spot in the field was scarce and the sentiment of reluctant to sell was strong, The focus of on-site trading is significantly upward, at a high price, and the downstream order receiving capacity is limited. Follow up is cautious, mainly through negotiation on demand, and the actual order transaction is limited. As of January 10, the ex factory price of domestic butanone was around 12000-12500 yuan / ton, and the average price was 12333 yuan / ton. Compared with the fourth day, the average price after the festival was increased by 800 yuan / ton, an increase of nearly 7%.


In terms of index, the butanone commodity index on January 10 was 134.06, unchanged from yesterday, hitting a record high in the cycle, up 165.68% from the lowest point of 50.46 on March 3, 2016. (Note: the period refers to the period from November 1, 2012 to now)


Sodium Molybdate

Upstream, in January, the domestic liquefied gas market ushered in a collective rise. Shandong region generally pushed up sharply, with an obvious range. As of January 10, the price of civil gas in Shandong rose to above 5500 yuan / ton. The good start of the market is mainly driven by international crude oil. The continuous rise of international crude oil after new year’s day has brought obvious support to the liquefied gas market. In addition, Saudi Aramco’s CP price was introduced in January. Although propylene butane fell, the decline was less than expected, which also gave a certain boost to the domestic market. In addition, there is a certain replenishment demand in the downstream after the festival, the enthusiasm for entering the market is high, the manufacturers ship smoothly, the inventory is mostly at a low level, and the prices rise one after another.


Future analysis of butanone


At present, the downstream demand of the domestic butanone market has weakened, and the trading atmosphere shows a stalemate. The butanone datagrapher of the business society believes that in the short term, the butanone market continues to rise, the power is insufficient, the market is mostly subject to narrow fluctuation and adjustment, and more attention needs to be paid to the basic changes in the supply and demand of butanone.

Insufficient demand, the zinc price fluctuated and adjusted this week

Zinc prices rose slightly this week



According to the data monitoring of business society, the zinc price rose slightly this week, and the zinc market rose slowly. As of January 10, the zinc price was 24370 yuan / ton, up 0.61% from 24222 yuan / ton on January 1 at the beginning of the month. Zinc prices rose slowly, and the zinc market fluctuated and adjusted this week.


Soaring electricity prices in Europe affect zinc supply


Europe has sanctioned Beixi 2, the most important gas transmission pipeline from Russia to Europe. The amount of natural gas supplied by Russia to Europe has decreased. At the same time, Germany will close nearly half of its nuclear power plants by the end of 2021. The electricity price in Europe remains high, and the start-up of zinc smelting in Europe remains low.



There are many downstream production stops in China


Affected by environmental protection, Spring Festival holiday, Winter Olympic Games and other reasons, many zinc plating plants and zinc oxide enterprises in Hebei plan to advance or increase the Spring Festival holiday. Hebei galvanizing plant has been affected by the introduction of relevant policies for the Winter Olympic Games. Most enterprises will start to arrange holidays in January, and may even stop production until March 8, 2022. In addition, at the end of the year, the downstream receiving mood was not high, the downstream demand was weak, many enterprises had almost no orders, traders continued to accumulate warehouses, and the demand for zinc ingots weakened.


Future forecast


Business analysts believe that: under the double weak market of supply and demand, it is difficult for downstream demand to recover near the holiday, domestic zinc ore and zinc smelting production are normal, domestic short-term stocks are accumulated slightly, and the overall rise support of zinc market is insufficient, and the downward pressure is limited. Zinc prices are expected to fluctuate slightly in the future.

Potassium nitrate Market is stable this week (1.03-1.07)

According to the data monitored by the business agency, the quotation of industrial grade first-class potassium nitrate in Shanxi this week was 5833.33 yuan / ton, a decrease of 0.56%, the current price fell by 1.13% month on month, and the current price rose by 40.56% year-on-year.



potassium nitrate


The domestic market of potassium nitrate is relatively stable this week. It can be seen from the above figure that the overall market of potassium nitrate fluctuates little in the near future and remains basically stable. The supply of potassium nitrate is normal, the market transaction is general, the manufacturer arranges orders and ships, the downstream procurement is just needed, the potassium nitrate Market is generally stable, and may rise with the potassium chloride Market in the later stage. According to the statistics of business agency, the quotation of mainstream domestic potassium nitrate manufacturers this week is 5700-5900 yuan / ton (the quotation is for reference only). The quotation is different according to different procurement conditions.



The market of potassium chloride has risen recently. The market price of 60% white potassium in domestic potassium is about 3600-3900 yuan / ton. The price of 62% white potassium in the port is about 4000-4100 yuan / ton. 62% Russian White potassium in border trade is about 3800-3900 yuan / ton. The higher potassium chloride market can support the cost of potassium nitrate.


Recently, the domestic potash fertilizer market is at a high level, the potassium chloride market is rising, and under the support of cost, it is expected that the price of potassium carbonate will mainly rise in the short term, and the long-term market still needs to wait and see. (the above prices are provided by major potassium nitrate manufacturers all over the country and sorted and analyzed by potassium carbonate analysts of business society. They are for reference only. Please contact relevant manufacturers for more price details).

The resistance of downstream enterprises intensified, and the price of PA66 fell

Price trend


povidone Iodine

According to the bulk list data of business society, the domestic PA66 market fell in December, and the spot prices of various brands fell significantly. As of December 30, the average ex factory price of PA66 adhesive injection molding sample enterprises of business society was about 36500 yuan / ton, with an increase or decrease of – 5.19% compared with the average price at the beginning of the month.


Cause analysis


Industrial chain: upstream, domestic adipic acid is short both in cost and supply and demand this month, and the price of raw materials is lower. The supply is affected by the expected temperature rise of plant restart, dragging down the market price. Adiponitrile has not improved much. The loss of production capacity of large international factories and the shortage of overseas transportation capacity are still affecting the market, and the supply shortage has not improved. Due to the high dependence on imports of adiponitrile, most domestic PA66 enterprises have operated at a low production load for a long time.


Sodium Molybdate

The upstream raw material adipic acid is weakly stable, the change of adiponitrile is limited, and the cost end support of PA66 is weakened. At present, there is no change in the operating rate of the industry compared with the previous period, the tight pattern of adiponitrile remains unchanged, and the operating rate of domestic PA66 industry continues to be low. Due to the shortage of inventories in various ports, the impact of international health events, the lack of overseas systematic transportation capacity, and the long-term shortage of domestic arrival, the boost effect of the recent rise of remote upstream crude oil has also been flattened. In terms of demand, buyers follow up slowly with goods, there is great resistance to high price goods, the seller’s mentality is loose, and the offer is weak.


Future forecast


Business analysts believe that the spot price of PA66 fell in December. The shortage of adiponitrile at the raw material end did not improve, and the adipic acid market fell. PA66 enterprise has a low overall load due to lack of raw materials, and the supply side supports the spot. However, downstream users have a deep resistance to high price sources, and the trading atmosphere on the floor is poor. It is expected that PA66 may continue to operate in a weak adjustment in the near future.

DOP prices adjusted by high and wide shocks hit a record high

Annual market trend of DOP in 21 years


According to the data monitoring of the business community, the DOP price in 2021 was adjusted by a wide range of fluctuations, and the DOP price hit a record high of 15725 yuan / ton in the cycle on August 4, 2021 (Note: the cycle refers to the period from September 1, 2011 to now). The maximum price difference between the highest price (August 4) and the lowest price (January 20, 9400 yuan / ton) in 21 years is as high as 6300 yuan / ton, and the vibration frequency and amplitude are higher than those in previous years, with the maximum amplitude of 67.73%. The highest price and annual price difference of DOP in 21 years reached a new high, and the annual market of dop2021 was turbulent.



The trend of DOP is significantly affected by demand, cost, supply and policy. Therefore, the annual trend of DOP is divided into the following stages:


Demand support stage


Before the Spring Festival, the market demand was insufficient in the off-season, and the DOP price was low. On January 21, the DOP price was the lowest in 21 years.


After the festival, the cold wave in the United States led to more shutdown of chemical plants, a significant reduction in the output of chemical products, the transfer of foreign demand to China, strong demand support, and the price of raw materials isooctanol and phthalic anhydride soared. The sharp rise in raw material prices drives the rise in DOP prices. At the same time, the stability of downstream demand drives the rise in DOP prices. The rise in DOP also provides support for the rise of isooctanol, and the upstream and downstream strongly support each other.

After the cold wave ended in March, American chemical plants started one after another, the supply of chemicals basically recovered, and the prices of isooctanol and phthalic anhydride fell, dragging down the price of DOP. When the vaccine was put on the market, the demand for disposable PVC gloves declined and orders decreased; At the same time, due to the high price of DOP, the cost of downstream wire and cable, PVC film and other industries increases, and the start-up of downstream enterprises decreases. The downstream demand is insufficient, the operating rate of DOP manufacturers is high, the supply of plasticizer Market exceeds demand, and the price of DOP is under pressure.


Commencement restriction stage


Since mid April, DOP prices have rebounded from shock. In the overhaul of isooctanol units of Qilu Petrochemical, lihuayi and other enterprises, the price of isooctanol rose sharply, driving the price rise of plasticizer. However, the terminal demand was relatively stable, and the room for the rise of plasticizer was limited. The price of plasticizer fluctuated slightly in the off-season of the market in May and June. 7. Under the pressure of environmental protection in August, the start-up of enterprises decreased significantly, the market speculation atmosphere rose sharply, and the DOP price soared all the way, reaching a record high on August 4.


Downward phase of cost pressure


From August to the end of the year, the price of isooctanol was high, DOP cost pressure was huge, downstream customers had poor acceptance of high price DOP, and DOP price fluctuated and fell; In October, DOP prices rose briefly and then fell rapidly, and then continued to decline. This year’s golden nine silver ten peak season is not prosperous, and the downstream demand is low. In November of previous years, the export performance of downstream plastic products is strong. However, affected by the epidemic this year, there is no obvious Christmas stock in Europe and America, which has aroused the market’s concern about the prospect of DOP demand, and the DOP price has been falling all the way; In December, affected by environmental protection, the operating rate of DOP manufacturers in Hebei was low, but the overall DOP operation was relatively stable, the overall market demand was relatively low, the downstream customers just needed it, the stock was replenished at a low price, and the DOP price fluctuated downward.


When will the downward trend stop?



The troika affecting the price trend of DOP in 21 years is supply, demand and cost. Supply and demand is the basic driving force for the rise and fall of DOP products. Cost factors determine the profit space and fluctuation range of DOP. Since the second quarter, the rise of DOP industrial chain is mostly driven by isooctanol, while downstream customers follow. Demand growth and insufficient supply are the main reasons for the sharp rise of DOP in 21 years. Correspondingly, the high price of DOP leads to low enthusiasm for procurement in the downstream, more rigid procurement and low demand, which exacerbates the downward trend of DOP.


21 years is over. Let’s look forward to the market in 22 years. In the future, it is difficult to sustain the market in 21 years, and plasticizers return to rationality in 22 years.


Throughout the year, energy consumption is under dual control, environmental protection is normalized, enterprise operation is relatively stable, the supply and demand of plasticizer industry chain tends to be relatively stable in 22 years, and the price amplitude is bound to narrow. The production capacity of isooctanol enterprises basically meets the demand, but it is relatively scarce, and the concentration of production capacity is high. The leading enterprises have a big say in pricing, and the price of isooctanol has been relatively strong in 22 years. With the support of cost, the decline of plasticizer price is limited, and the DOP price in 22 years is fluctuated and adjusted at about 9500 yuan / ton.


In the short term, the new year is approaching, plasticizer manufacturers have a strong willingness to clear the warehouse, manufacturers actively ship, and plasticizers may be sold at reduced prices; In terms of supply and demand, January 22 was still the off-season in the market, but in late January, customers prepared goods in advance during the Spring Festival holiday, and the parking practice of DOP units during the Spring Festival had a certain positive support for the market demand. During the Winter Olympic Games, it may affect the production of some DOP chemical plants in Hebei and other places, and the expected supply of DOP decreased, which supported the rise of DOP; In terms of cost, DOP in 22 years is still greatly affected by the price fluctuation of isooctanol. In December, the price of isooctanol has approached the lowest price in 21 years, the profit of isooctanol has been reduced to the lowest level in the year, and the manufacturers of isooctanol are willing to support the price in the future. Overall, DOP prices are expected to fall slightly before the festival. After the festival, the plasticizer market may usher in a small rise.

The demand is not strong, and the cost side holds up the weak stability of PP market in December

According to the data monitored by the business society, the PP market trend fluctuated and weakened in December, and the spot prices of various brands fell slightly. As of December 31, the mainstream offer price of T30S (wire drawing) from domestic manufacturers and traders was about 8130.00 yuan / ton, up or down – 2.52% compared with the average price at the beginning of the month.


povidone Iodine

Cause analysis


Industrial chain: in terms of upstream propylene, domestic propylene is stable and small this month. The raw material procurement of downstream factories is mainly based on rigid demand. The market wait-and-see mood is strong. The overall demand for propylene is general. In terms of supply, the on-site supply is sufficient, and the enterprise has great pressure to take goods. At present, the propylene market is in a stalemate, the forecast of future demand is general, and the propylene is expected to fluctuate downward in the short-term future.


In the upstream, the price of propylene raw material fluctuated, the recent weak operation of dynamic coal, the news was relatively negative, and the PP cost support was poor. In terms of supply, the supply of PP is basically abundant, and the operating rate of the industry is stable. At the end of the month, the inventory of two barrels of oil decreased moderately. In terms of demand, at present, the demand of terminal enterprises is relatively weak, the preparation before the festival is slow, there is no large-scale purchase follow-up, the merchant’s offer confidence is poor, and the profit on the site mainly depends on direct upstream propylene.


In terms of fiber materials, according to the data monitored by the business society, as of December 31, the spot price trend of domestic fiber PP fluctuated after falling. The mainstream offer price of Z30S (fiber) from domestic manufacturers and traders was about 8116.67 yuan / ton, with an increase or decrease of – 5.44% compared with the average price at the beginning of the month and a decrease of – 2.40% year-on-year. Recently, the demand for PP fiber materials has remained stable, the consumption of end products has been stable and small, and the profits of the main downstream non-woven enterprises have decreased slightly. The load of terminal enterprises shows a slight upward trend. The production situation of PP enterprises is mainly the completion of early orders. It is expected that the fiber material market may continue to consolidate steadily after the festival.


Sodium Molybdate

In terms of melt blown materials, the melt blown PP market was weak this month. As of December 31, the average quotation of domestic melt blown material sample enterprises monitored by the business society was about 9516.67 yuan / ton, up or down – 1.72% compared with the average price level at the beginning of the month. During the period of high incidence of recent rebound in health events in various countries, the number of local diagnoses in some areas of China has increased. However, the supply of meltblown materials in the field is sufficient, and dilution has a pulling effect on the spot market of meltblown cloth. The saturation pattern of domestic melt blown materials and cloth enterprises remains unchanged. It is heard that there is still capacity transfer out this month and other brands of PP. the industry competition is strong and the spot price is difficult to rise.


Future forecast


PP analysts of business society believe that the domestic polypropylene market was generally stable in December, the dynamic coal market was empty, the cost side was stable and weak, and the upstream support for PP was OK. The demand follow-up of terminal enterprises is general, the market is long and empty, and the demand is slow. It is expected that the PP market may still be weak in the short term.

In December, the asphalt price “fell first and then rose”, rising slowly

In December, the domestic asphalt market first fell and then rose, and the market began to recover slowly in the second half of the month. According to the monitoring data of business agency, the spot price of domestic asphalt at the beginning of the month was 3147 yuan / ton, and the market price of domestic asphalt at the end of the month was 3191 yuan / ton. The price increased by 1.40% during the month and 29.59% year-on-year.



At the beginning of June, affected by the sharp decline of international crude oil and weak market demand, the market price continued to decline.


In the middle of June, the price of domestic asphalt market fluctuated between regions: affected by the rise of crude oil price and the reduction of executable contracts in North China, the offer of some low-end resources increased. The prices of some refineries of Sinopec in East China and Shandong decreased by 50-100 yuan / ton, driving the decline of high-end prices in the market. Some traders in Northeast China took the initiative to reduce prices to the warehouse, and the price of Kuti fell.


In late June, the price of domestic asphalt market fluctuated between regions: the price of some main refineries of Sinopec in East China increased by 30 yuan / ton, driving the market quotation to rise slightly. The price of PetroChina Qinhuangdao in North China decreased by 250 yuan / ton, which led to an obvious decrease in high-end prices; With the weakening demand in Shandong, the low-end quotation fell slightly; The price in Northeast China decreased by 25 yuan / ton, mainly due to the preferential shipment of individual refined asphalt, driving the price downward.


At the end of the month, the international crude oil was slightly strong, driving the whole asphalt spot market, and the overall stock demand in the asphalt spot market increased.


Annual comparison chart of asphalt price from 2017 to 2021:


Monthly K column chart of asphalt domestic production price:


Weekly K column chart of asphalt domestic production price:


Comparison chart of crude oil and asphalt price trend of business society:



According to the price monitoring of the business community, in the list of commodity prices in December 2021, there were 6 kinds of commodities rising month on month in the energy sector, including 3 kinds of commodities rising by more than 5%, accounting for 18.8% of the monitored commodities in the sector; The top three commodities were petroleum coke (20.70%), WTI crude oil (16.33%) and Brent crude oil (14.88%). A total of 9 commodities decreased month on month, and 6 commodities decreased by more than 5%, accounting for 37.5% of the monitored commodities in this sector; The products with the top three declines were liquefied natural gas (- 30.46%), thermal coal (- 24.19%) and methanol (- 14.26%). The average rise and fall this month was – 3.2%.


The trend of international crude oil price is upward, which drives the atmosphere of asphalt futures market in the short term. In terms of spot, it is driven by conventional demand. With the change of weather, the demand may fall into a stalemate. Asphalt analysts of business society expect that the domestic asphalt market will be mainly consolidated.

In December, domestic sulfur prices first fell and then rose

Price trend


povidone Iodine

According to the price monitoring of the business society, the sulfur price trend first fell and then rose in December, and the overall market was upward. As of December 31, the average ex factory price of sulfur market in East China was 2026.67 yuan / ton, a decrease of 1.33% in the month compared with the average ex factory price of 2000.00 yuan / ton at the beginning of the month.


In December, the domestic sulfur market was consolidated and operated, and the price showed an overall upward trend in the month. At the beginning of the month, the market supply was sufficient, the downstream demand was weak, the phosphate fertilizer market was weak, the terminal consumption did not support sulfur, and the focus of on-site negotiation shifted downward. In the middle and late December, the trend of downstream products rose, the export of enterprises increased, the sulfur sales were smooth, the shipping atmosphere was good, the downstream market supported the upward sulfur market, and the quotation of sulfur enterprises rose.


Downstream market of industrial chain


The downstream sulfuric acid market first fell and then rose in December. The quotation increased from 628.33 yuan / ton at the beginning of the month to 645.00 yuan / ton at the end of the month, up 16.67 yuan / ton, or 2.65%. During the month, the prices of mainstream sulfuric acid manufacturers in Shandong increased, the manufacturers produced at low load and had less inventory. In addition, the enterprise’s shipment performance was good, the operator’s mentality was positive, and the quotation was increased according to the trend. The market trend in the month was upward.


Benzalkonium chloride

In terms of phosphate fertilizer, the market of winter storage is weak. In December, the market of Monoammonium and diammonium is weak, the downstream demand is general, and the trading atmosphere on the floor is weak. Diammonium enterprises mainly maintain early orders, and the price trend runs smoothly. The market demand for monoammonium is low, the enthusiasm for downstream procurement is weak, the market orders are small, and the price trend continues to decline.


Future forecast


According to the sulfur analyst of business society, the current sulfur price is stable and wait-and-see operation, the inventory of refineries in domestic areas remains low, the downstream just needs to follow up, the enterprise shipment is smooth, and the market transaction is weak. It is expected that the sulfur market will wait-and-see consolidation, and it may rise in the later stage. Pay attention to the downstream demand.

Lithium carbonate prices rose sharply in December and continued to rise in the short term

According to the price monitoring of business society, the price of industrial grade and battery grade lithium carbonate in East China market rose sharply in December, and the price hit a record high at the end of the month. As of December 30, the average price of industrial grade lithium carbonate in East China was 265000 yuan / ton, Compared with the average price at the beginning of the month (the average price of industrial carbon in East China on December 1 was 194000 yuan / ton), the price increased by 36.6%. While the average price of battery grade lithium carbonate in East China on December 30 was 281000 yuan / ton, which was lower than that at the beginning of the month (on December 1, the average price of carbon in East China was 205000 yuan / ton) the average price increased by 37.07% compared with the price. Until the 30th, the comprehensive price of industrial grade lithium carbonate was 247000-278000 yuan / ton, and the comprehensive price of battery grade lithium carbonate was 257000-29000 yuan / ton.



By observing the market changes, the price of lithium carbonate continued to rise in early December, and the tight supply pattern continued. With the end of the year approaching, the market trading volume of lithium carbonate began to increase and the market quotation continued to improve. In addition, large lithium salt plants in the market have been overhauled one after another, resulting in a significant decline in supply. As the Spring Festival this year is earlier than last year, the downstream market demand is still obvious, and the purchase of lithium carbonate is increasing. As overseas countries gradually enter the New Year holiday, the port shipping schedule is delayed, which has a certain impact and gap on the market supply


In late December, the price of lithium carbonate rose again and again, and the rising range was increasing. At the end of the year, the stock mood became more and more serious, resulting in a continuous increase in market procurement. The output of lithium iron phosphate and ternary materials in the downstream also increased significantly, so the demand for lithium carbonate continued to rise. With the obvious reduction in the domestic market, the supply of goods is also relatively tight, and the market is hard to find. Therefore, manufacturers and traders have raised the price of lithium carbonate one after another. At the end of the month, the lithium carbonate market was in a situation of high demand for the return of upstream funds and heavy mood for goods preparation in the downstream, and the price rise rate continued to increase.


Benzalkonium chloride

The price of downstream lithium hydroxide rose steadily in December, the price of raw material spodumene operated strongly, the cost support was obvious, the market inquiry and procurement atmosphere improved, and the driving atmosphere was strong. In addition, the demand for lithium carbonate produced by carbonization method rose sharply under the soaring demand for lithium carbonate, and the price of industrial grade lithium hydroxide increased significantly.


In December, the market price of lithium iron phosphate showed an upward trend. At the raw material end, the price of lithium carbonate has risen rapidly recently, and the manufacturing cost of lithium iron phosphate enterprises has increased significantly with lithium salt. The new capacity of domestic lithium iron phosphate industry continues to climb, but the current lithium carbonate supply is still tight and it is difficult to purchase, which limits the release of manufacturers’ capacity to a certain extent, the demand of terminal power market remains unchanged, and orders remain high.


According to the lithium carbonate analysts of business society, with the approaching of the Spring Festival holiday, the logistics will enter the shutdown state around the middle of January. Therefore, the centralized procurement of lithium carbonate may occur in the first ten days of January, and the logistics and transportation costs may also rise. It is expected that the price of lithium carbonate will continue to rise in the short term.

Who wins or loses in the relationship between supply and demand? 2021 silicon metal year

441# silicon price trend in 2021


Metal silicon experienced a sharp rise and fall in 2021, with the largest increase of 340.64% in the same year. In the first half of the year, the “double carbon” policy laid the foundation for the upward rise of metal silicon cost. From the beginning of the year to the beginning of October, the silicon price Rose gently to a rapid rise. In the third quarter, many factories were limited power and reduced load production. Some factories were affected by the difficult procurement of silicon coal, and the production situation continued to be unsatisfactory, The price support sentiment is high, the market conditions of silicone and polysilicon are good, and the profit supports the rise of silicon price. However, after the National Day holiday, the weakening of downstream consumption capacity led to the inevitable decline of Q4 metal silicon production. In addition, in the second half of the year, relevant national regulations and the supplement of Southern hydropower alleviated the tension of coal and electricity, and the silicon price decreased significantly.


povidone Iodine

According to the data monitoring of business society, the average price of metal silicon in 2021 was 21885.34 yuan / ton, an increase of 86.12% over the average price of 11758.65 yuan / ton in 2020 and 88.71% over 2019. This year, metallic silicon repeatedly broke the historical peak, with the highest price of 60625 yuan / ton and the index of 425.46, an increase of 119.34% over the lowest point of 68.77 on September 25, 2016.


From the perspective of supply-demand relationship


In 2021, driven by the easing of the supply of raw silica in Xinjiang, China’s metal silicon output increased restoratively. According to the data of business agency, the total output of silicon metal in China in the first half of 2021 was 1.25 million tons, with a year-on-year increase of 38%. The estimated output in Xinjiang in the first half of the year was 650000 tons, with a year-on-year increase of 50.9%, which was mainly due to the increase of the operating rate of a large plant in Xinjiang and the expected output in Yunnan in the first half of the year was 117000 tons, with a year-on-year decrease of 18%, mainly due to the dual control of local energy consumption and the.


Since the third quarter, most silicon plants in Sichuan and Yunnan have faced the situation of insufficient power supply and difficult operation. The rain in wet season is less than expected, and there are too many high energy consuming industries introduced in Yunnan, which makes the power contradiction more prominent. In September, Yunnan development and Reform Commission controlled the industrial silicon production to ensure that the monthly average output of industrial silicon enterprises from September to December is not higher than 10% of the output in August (i.e. 90% output reduction), Undoubtedly, it will make the silicon market worse. Due to excessive energy consumption in Xinjiang in the first half of the year, the dual control was further tightened in the second half of the year, the supply of raw silica in Xinjiang decreased, and the operating rate also decreased. The output of a large factory in Xinjiang decreased sharply due to environmental protection inspection.


It can be seen that in the third quarter, the main producing areas of metal silicon, Yunnan and Xinjiang, were under pressure. Double control, limited production and insufficient power supply made it difficult for the silicon plant to release production normally from August to October. However, in the fourth quarter, due to the high silicon price and the weak willingness of downstream goods preparation, the expectation of large-scale shutdown of the silicon plant fell short. In November, the metal silicon output increased by 27000 tons to 300000 tons month on month, and the resumption of production of large factories in Xinjiang increased, Some silicon plants in Yunnan have increased their load on a small scale, and the output of Sichuan has decreased slightly month on month due to power restriction and environmental protection. Generally speaking, the start-up of silicon plants is high, and the social inventory is high year-on-year.


When the silicon price continues to be high, the silicon plants have high enthusiasm for starting work, and the continuously increased output has some problems in consumption. In the case of inventory backlog, oversupply, prices fall, and the market enters the regulation mode, some factories in areas with low production advantages will reduce production or even shut down to alleviate the decline.


Benzalkonium chloride

From the perspective of downstream products


The trend of silicone and metal silicon is roughly consistent, and the price, like metal silicon, has reached a ten-year high. Silicone started relatively normally, focusing on maintenance. In the first half of the year, the demand for silicone increased by 20%, and the export volume increased by 166300 tons, an increase of 38% over the same period. In the third to fourth quarters, silicone entered the maintenance period, the apparent demand was relatively low, the spot supply in the plant was tight, and the operation capacity of major units was low.


From January to July, the demand for polysilicon increased by 15%, and many factories produced at full load or even overload. The supply of polysilicon continues to be tight, and the production capacity has not been fully released in the first half of the year. It is expected that 150000-200000 tons of new production capacity will be put into operation in the second half of the year. Many enterprises build new energy to balance high energy consuming industries, so there is uncertainty. However, the increment of metal silicon in polysilicon next year is very considerable. It is preliminarily estimated that the production capacity of polysilicon will reach about 2.27 million tons in 2025.


Review and Prospect


In the whole year, due to the short wet season in Yunnan, which affected the power supply capacity, the start-up time of factories in Sichuan and Yunnan was shortened, the enterprises in the metal silicon industry chain did not establish a good safety inventory, and the frequent situation of silicon factories in Xinjiang also reduced the output. Therefore, in the first half of the year, the supply was extremely short, and the rising power and raw material costs increased the production costs of factories in production, Metal silicon prices rose as a whole. 3、 During the transition between wet season and dry season in the fourth quarter, the purchase intention of the three downstream of silicone was weakened due to the callback of silicon price, and the market began to face the problem of upstream and downstream game of demand reduction.


The new capacity of organosilicon and polysilicon is expected to be released in the first half of 2022. Metal silicon is expected to get a large number of new capacity in the wet season of 2022. It is expected that the market of metal silicon will be stable, medium and strong in the future. In terms of risk, more attention should be paid to the release speed of new capacity in the downstream next year.